- -Mazz.This suggested that Ricinus communis L. and Jatropha curcas L. may be the best potential wild energy plants because of their high oil content and good resistance. 麻疯树植株和种子含油量亦高,抗逆性最强,是有潜力的野生木本能源植物。
- wild energy plants 野生能源植物
- Wild energy plant 野生能源植物
- To select northern energy plants,we collected 17 species of wild herbage plants and 3 species of moody plants in greenhouse in Tianjin area,plant oil content was analyzed. 为了筛选北方能源植物,在天津地区采集了17种野生草本植物,以及3种温室木本植株,采用索氏抽提法,分析了其植物体的含油量。
- To select northern energy plants, we collected 17 species of wild herbage plants and 3 species of moody plants in greenhouse in Tianjin area, plant oil content was analyzed. 摘要为了筛选北方能源植物,在天津地区采集了17种野生草本植物,以及3种温室木本植株,采用索氏抽提法,分析了其植物体的含油量。
- Karyotype studies of new energy plant Euphorbia lathyris L. 新型能源植物续随子的核型分析。
- A plebiscite on nuclear energy plants will be held early next month. 有关核能电厂的公投将于下月初举行。
- In addition, the economic benefit and the feasibility of production with herbage energy plants were discussed. 另外还对发展草本能源植物的经济效益及生产的可行性进行了探讨。
- Study on the Countermeasures for Industrial Development of Energy Plant Jatropha curcas L. 木质能源麻疯树产业发展对策研究。
- With the reduction of the ore energy, people should develop the biomass energy relying mainly on energy plant. 摘要随著矿石能源储量的减少,应大力开发和应用以能源植物为主的生物质能。
- By 2030, coal-fired energy plants in developing countries could produce more carbon dioxide emissions than the entire power sector in the developed world does today. 到2030年,发展中国家的燃煤能源工厂比今天发达世界整个能源行业排放的二氧化碳都要多。
- The results suggest that in the north drought region of China, there was much high potential of Ricinus communis as an energy plant. 可以认为,野生蓖麻的植株和种子中含油量都较高,抗旱性强,是一种有希望的野生能源植物。
- The Port Talbot renewable energy plant is the latest in a series of similar consents cleared by the Department for Business, Enterprise &Regulatory Reform (DBERR). 在英国塔尔波特港可再生能源发电厂是英国商业、企业和改革部批准的一系列相似项目中最新的一个。
- Nettle is a kind of common wild plant. 荨麻是一种普通的野生植物。
- Is any of these wild fruits safe to eat? 这些野生水果有哪一种是安全可吃的吗?
- The seeds of accompanied species Bidens pilosa and energy plant Delavaya toxocarpa were treated with the aqueous extracts of root, stem and flower of Parthenium hysterophorus. 摘要以伴生草本植物三叶鬼针草和能源木本植物茶条木为受试植物,初步研究了外来入侵植物银胶菊根、茎、花水浸提液对二者种子萌发的化感效应。
- The runner went to second base on a wild pitch. 一记瞎设让跑垒员跑上了第二垒。
- The Tees Renewable Energy Plant is anticipated to start commercial operation in late 2012, benefiting from suitable dockside acreage in one of the UK's three largest ports. 提兹再生能源电厂建在英国三大港口之一的提兹港周边空置区域,预期在2012年投入商业运营。
- In the hunting he fetched down a wild goose. 打猎时他射下一只大大雁。
- I can't say I'm wild about her new husband. 我很难说我非常喜欢她的新婚丈夫。