- 白墙灰瓦 The wall is whitewashed and the roof of the house is of grey tile
- 青瓦白墙恋徽州 Huizhou, verdant tile and white wall in the name of the city
- 墙 wall
- 白的 whitest
- 白羊座 Aries
- 从白墙反射过来的光 the reflection of light from a white wall
- 对白 dialogue
- 墙面 metope
- 外墙 siding
- 白羊 Aries
- 隔墙 partition
- 美白 whiten
- 柏林墙 Berlin Wall
- 大白 become known
- 白板 white board
- 心墙 core
- 白名单 white list
- 翻墙 climb over the walls
- 白蛋白 albumin
- 内墙 interior wall