- They whispered to each other for a long time. 他俩咕唧了半天。
- The sisters whisper to each other when they pass this spot. 姊妹俩相互耳语,当她们走过这地点的时候。
- What are those two whispering to each other about? 他们俩叽叽咕咕地说些什么?
- Competition ground edge, a few not quite proportional form, from time to time and trainer are stolen steal murmurous, from time to time and athlete whisper to each other. 赛场边,几个不太相当的身影,时而与教练员窃窃私语,时而与运动员交头接耳。
- We cannot whisper to each other, but must sing in chorus this song demanding the common well-being of state and people, reverberating for over a century and sounding again today. 我们不能彼此耳语,而要朗声合唱,这歌声要求着国家与人的共同幸福,从一百多年前而来,回荡今时今日。
- The two students are always whispering to each other in class. 这俩学生在课堂上老是交头接耳。
- Jack and Stella whispered to each other as they walked down the street. 一路上,他们小声的说话。
- These two events were related to each other. 这两个事件相互有联系。
- They show reciprocal affection to each other. 他们表达了彼此之间的爱慕。
- We are much attached to each other. 我们之间感情深厚。
- We write to each other regularly. 我们彼此经常通信。
- Be pleasant to each other just this once. 彼此要和睦些--就只为这一次吧。
- The police talked to each other by wireless. 警察用无线电通话。
- When I saw them whispering to each other,I knew there was something funny going on. 我看见他们相互耳语时,我就知道他们又要玩什么鬼花样了。
- The children tossed the ball to each other. 孩子们互相把球扔来扔去。
- One may also see young lovers sitting in pairs whispering to each other over icecream or ice pastry. 一对对情侣,相对而坐,一边窃窃私语,一边品尝他们喜爱的冰点。
- Ships sent messages to each other by radio. 船只使用无线电互通信息。
- The ladies lifted their eyebrows and nodded, smiled and whispered to each other. 太太们竖起了眉毛,点头微笑,相互交头接耳。
- They flirted water to each other's face. 他们相互朝对方的脸上弹水。