- 哭声 cry
- 哀兵必胜 an army burning with righteous indignation is bound to win
- 哀莫大于心死 there is no grief greater than the death of the mind
- 哀鸿遍野 throngs of famished and homeless people roam the countryside
- 悲伤的恸哭声 a plaintive wail
- 可哀 miserably
- 哭声是从隔壁一栋房子里传出来的。 Sobs were heard to proceed from a neighbouring house.
- 哀莫过于心死 There is no poverty live the povery of spirit
- 我们的小天使降临世界的最初时刻,没有呼吸,没有哭声。 For his first moments in this world, there was no breath, no cry from our little angel.
- 哀号长久、大声、悲伤的哭声;号哭 A long, loud, mournful cry; a wail.
- 鸟之将死,其鸣也哀。 Swan sing before they die.
- 我讨厌听到小孩的哭声。 I hate to hear a child crying; she was in tears.
- 哀恸 keening
- 那个小婴儿哭声很弱。 The small baby gave a feeble cry.
- 哀哉 wellaway
- 哭声来自受惊的孩子 A cry came from the frightened child.
- 哀失 bereavement
- 孩子无休止的哭声几乎使他发狂。 The child's continual crying drove him to distraction.
- 哀惜 sorrow
- 婴儿的哭声让我十分心烦。 The baby's crying jangled my nerves.