- wheat RIL population 小麦RIL群体
- The MDA content in the RIL population showed transgressive segregation. 所测性状在RIL群体中出现超亲分离。
- The data of RIL population and the parents were obtained under PVP pipe cultivated conditions in 2004. 计算各性状间及其与根茎比之间的相关系数并进一步进行根系性状和地上部分生物重的通径分析。
- Dynamic analysis of QTLs for tillering ability based on the MH63/B5 RIL population was performed. 结合MH63/B5分子标记连锁图,我们尝试了对数量性状的动态分析方法,以获得影响性状的基因在各个时间段的净遗传效应。
- In this study, a RIL population derived from SLG and Zhenshan97 was used to construct a genetic map and measure the traits. 本研究以大粒亲本SLG与珍汕97构建的重组自交系为基础,通过构建其分子标记遗传连锁图,全基因组定位与水稻粒重、农艺性状和品质性状等相关的数量性状位点,探讨粒重与产量,粒重与品质的相关关系。
- Abstract: The accuracy of the mixed inheritance analysis of quantitative traits with larger experimental error could be improved while using DH or RIL population. 摘 要: 利用DH或RIL群体并结合重复内分组随机区组设计对作物产量等遗传率较低的数量性状进行分离分析可提高遗传分析的精度。
- The accuracy of the mixed inheritance analysis of quantitative traits with larger experimental error could be improved while using DH or RIL population. 利用DH或RIL群体并结合重复内分组随机区组设计对作物产量等遗传率较低的数量性状进行分离分析可提高遗传分析的精度。
- In previous studies, quantitative trait loci (QTL) conditioning yield components were detected in the short arm of chromosome 6 by using the RIL population from Zhenshan 97B/ Milyang 46. 本实验室前期利用珍汕97B/密阳46重组自交系群体,经初步定位,发现第6染色体短臂上的QTL对研究群体的产量形成具有重要作用。
- A linkage map of 176 DNA markers constructed using Zhong156/Gumei2 RIL population of 303 lines was employed to map blast resistance genes and QTLs conditioning yield traits in rice. 应用由303个株系组成的中156/谷梅2号重组自交系群体,构建了含176个DNA标记的连锁图谱,定位水稻抗稻瘟病基因和产量性状QTL。
- This strain of wheat can grow during a cold spring. 这种小麦可以在寒冷的春天生长。
- We have had the biggest wheat crop ever this year. 今年我们的小麦收获量是有史以来最好的。
- He is always confusing wheat with leek. 他对麦苗和韭菜总是辨别不清。
- The hot weather is bringing the wheat on nicely. 因天气热小麦长势良好。
- Fields of wheat are undulating in the breeze. 在微风中起伏着一片麦浪。
- The Separation of Protein Components of Wheat Grain among a RIL Population and the Correlation Analysis Between Protein Components and SDS Sediment Value, Wet Gluten Content and Kernel Kardness 小麦RIL群体中籽粒蛋白质组分的分离与主要品质性状的相关分析
- They are grinding wheat into flour. 他们正在把小麦磨成面粉。
- We grind up the wheat to make flour. 我们把小麦磨成面粉。
- We need help to get the wheat in. 我们需要人手来帮助抢收小麦。
- Next, the wheat is ground into flour at the mill. 然后,麦子在磨坊里被磨成面粉。
- Construction of AFLP Molecular Genetic Map for RIL Population of Watermelon 西瓜重组自交系群体的AFLP分子图谱构建