- Dionysus is eternally the fundamental archetype in western art. 酒神,一向是西方艺术的最根本的永恒原型。
- Routinization of Contemporary Western Art: De-Charm? En-Charm? 当代西方艺术的日常化:祛魅乎?赋魅乎?
- Routinization of Contemporary Western Art:De-Charm?En-Charm? - 当代西方艺术的日常化:祛魅乎?赋魅乎?
- Moderm Western art abstraction concentrates on reason and ind ividuality. 西方现代艺术抽象追求个性与理性。
- I survey Western art history to trace "black-and-white" artists find two - Kline and Pollock both of whom found inspiration in Oriental art! 我审视了西方的艺术史,找到克莱恩和波洛克两位“黑白”艺术家,而且两人都曾经从东方艺术得到灵感!
- To say that Pablo Picasso dominated Western art in the20 th century is, by now, the merest commonplace. 现在你说毕加索是20世纪西方艺术最了不起的人物,只是老生常谈。
- "Essence of Asia: Eastern Influence on Western Art" Asian Fusion Gallery at the Asian Cultural Center Manhattan New. “亚洲精萃:东方文化冲击西方艺术,”亚洲融合艺术廊,美国纽约亚洲文化中心。
- In the gallery of western art, you'll have the chance to appreciate the works of Monet, Renoir, Gauguin, Van Gogh, etc. 在西方艺术画廊里,您有机会欣赏到莫奈、雷诺阿、高更和梵高等人的作品。
- Neoteric Chinese artists made different choice to the intruding of western art, including that of watercolor. 近代的中国画家们面对西画的侵入,做出了不同的反应与选择,其中包含了对水彩画元素不同程度的吸纳。
- Is "Cultural Multiplicity" a real objective for all cultures or merely a signboard held high in Western art? “文化多元”究竟是一个共同趋向的真实目标,或者仅仅就是西方艺术界高举的一块招牌?
- I cannot avoid Western art, because it is the origin of Modernist and Postmodernist art. 我无法回避西方艺术,因为现代或后现代艺术的源头是西方艺术。
- The concept of "avant-garde" is a very important concept in western art history, it has taken a long time to develop. “先锋派”是西方艺术中的一个重要的概念,它的形成与确立经历了一个漫长的发展过程。
- Collect antiquites from palaeolithic to the Victorian era, coin, Eastern art, and western art. 收藏从旧石器时代至维多利亚时期的古物、钱币、东方艺术和西方艺术。
- The egocentric Western art world remains astonished and fascinated by the power of this “Oriental Star”. 这颗“东方之星”的能量让向来有自我中心倾向的西方艺术界屡屡惊叹神迷。
- To say that Pablo Picasso dominated Western art in the 20th century is, by now, the merest commonplace. 现在你说毕卡索是20世纪西方艺术最了不起的人物,只是老生常谈。
- I have been exposed to Western art since the 80’s. Its impact on me is undeniable. 从80年代开始我就接触到了西方艺术,它对我的影响是无法否认的。
- Giotto, who is titled “The Father of Western Painting”, is one of the greatestfigures in the history of western art. 乔托被称为“西方绘画之父”,是西方艺术史上最伟大的人物之一,也被看作文艺复兴艺术的开山鼻祖。
- Chagall's distinct artistic character makes him famous in Modern Western Art history. 夏加尔以其独特的艺术风格,在西方现代艺术史上独树一帜,自成一家。
- Though a rather odious man individually, as an artist, Richard Wagner stands with Shakespeare, Rembrandt and Goethe as one of the giants of western art. 尽管理查德·瓦格纳本人令人憎恶,但作为艺术家,他可以与莎士比亚、伦勃朗和歌德相提并论,是西方艺术巨匠之一。
- Though a rather odious man individually,as an artist,Richard Wagner stands with Shakespeare,Rembrandt and Goethe as one of the giants of western art. 尽管理查德·瓦格纳本人令人憎恶,但作为艺术家,他可以与莎士比亚、伦勃朗和歌德相提并论,是西方艺术巨匠之一。