- well balanced mind [法] 精神正常的头脑
- New Beauty products keep your Beauty well balanced. 新潮美容品,送您均衡美。
- They are harmonious and well balanced red wines. 他们是和谐的平衡性非常好的红酒。
- Is the rocker mechanism well balanced? 摇椅是否可以保持平稳?
- Pleasantly velvety and well balanced tannins. 单宁平衡,如天鹅绒般丝滑。
- Chinese fancy knots are symmetrical and well balanced. 中国结是对称的、非常平衡。
- The subject is well balanced in sharpness and color. 平衡清晰度和色彩。
- A well balanced acidity is giving long and fresh fruity aftertaste. 酸度平衡的结构带来了果香及持久的回味。
- Thus robustness and imperceptibility could be well balanced. 与其它水印算法比较,该文提出的自适应算法适合于具有不同总体特性和局部特性的图像。
- You consider Ramen Noodles and a soda a well balanced meal. 你认为方便面和一瓶苏达是平衡饭食。
- He is well balanced and shows no legginess or coarseness. 它非常匀称,不会显得腿很细长或很粗糙。
- All emotions, especially love affairs were abhorrent to his cold, precise but admirably balanced mind. 对于他的强调理性,严谨刻板,令人钦佩的冷静沉着的头脑来说,一切情感,特别是爱情这种情感,都是格格不入的。
- All emotions, and love particularly, were abhorrent to his cold, precise but admirably balanced mind. 因为对于他强调理性,严谨刻板,令人钦佩的冷静沉着的头脑来说,一切情感,特别是爱情这种情感,都是格格不入的。
- Palate: Mild and crisp. Well balanced between sweetness and acidity. 口感:入口柔和爽脆,甜酸度平衡,容易欣赏。
- All emotions, and that one particularly, were abhorrent to his cold, precise but admirably balanced mind. 译文:对于他那理性、严谨和沉着冷静的头脑来说,一切情感都是格格不入的。
- Purple red dress. Nose of red fruits. Well balanced and supple in mouth. 深紫红色泽,散发着红果的芬芳,酒体平衡,口感细腻。
- You need to be very well balanced to cope with the stress of a job like that. 做这种工作压力那么大,情绪非得十分稳定不可。
- Promise the reasonable meal and the nourishment of the well balanced. 保证合理的膳食和均衡的营养。
- Mouth: Very good length in the mouth, well balanced, rich, slightly acidulous. 口感:在口中留香的时间很长,均衡性好,饱满,略带酸味。
- Dark red elegant wine, spicy、 peppery nose with well balanced tannin. 深红色佳酿,嗅觉带有强烈的调味品和胡椒味,单宁均衡。