- In the best case, Pyrex can indeed produce quite fast code. 在最好的情况中,Pyrex实际上可以产生非常快的代码。
- In a better case it only takes 24 days from their larvas to cocoon. 虽系野生,但能在室内饲养;茧子又可以缫出成缕的丝达350公尺,是天然丝的一种资源。
- In the best case, a slight extra effort is required for legitimate senders. 在最好的情形下,合法发送者只需花费一点点精力即可。
- Their time complexities are O(n) in the worst case and O(n/m) in the best case. 两个算法的最差、最好时间复杂度分别为O(n)和O(n/m).
- Best case: You've got a potentially beneficial contact to add to your Rolodex. 最好的情况:你获得了一个潜在有益的联系人。
- Aggressive corrosion of well casing and heat exchangers can be caused by ?? HCL, ?? and other acids. 井孔套管和热交换器的侵蚀性腐蚀是H2S,HCL,H2SO4和其他酸类引起的。
- If that is the case, we may as well try. 如果情况是这样,我们不妨试一试。
- I am well aware that this is a tough job. 我深知这是一件棘手的工作。
- She argued her side of the case well. 她有理有据地陈述了自己的意见。
- When you search for a theory to explain something, the best case is that you find one that is perfectly general. 当你寻找解释某事的理论时,最好的情况是你找到了一个非常通用的理论。
- SCE) is applied to investigate the grooving corrosion sensitivity of J55 steel oil well casing in electric resistance welding(ERW) zone. 应用控电位的电化学极化试验,测定了J55钢高频直缝电阻焊(ERW)油井套管焊接区的沟槽腐蚀敏感性。
- A lawyer who goes into court with best case in the word will convince neither judge nor jury if her attitude is negative. 如果一位律师带着消极心态步人法庭,即使他所辩护的 是全世界最棒的案子,还是无法说服法官和陪审团。
- Among these countries, New Zealand is viewed as the best case of conducting performance-based budgeting (PBB) reform. 在这场预算改革中,新西兰被认为是绩效预算改革最成功的案例。
- The assessment result indicated that the bray correlation assessment method is a convenient, practicable and reasonable method for the quality evaluation of oil well casings. 评估实例表明,灰色关联评估法是一种较为简便、实用和科学的质量评估方法,应用于油井套管的质量评估中是切实可行的。
- And considering the features and particular require-merits of deepwater drilling, a program for deepwater DGD well casing program design arid optimization is developed. 结合深水钻井的特点,考虑钻井施工的特殊要求,开发了深水双梯度钻井井身结构设计及优化程序。
- This fact gives rise to the question of the justice of a society which in the best case would be governed by gentlemen ruling in their own right. 这个事实引发出一个依照他们的权利统治的社会的合理性的问题,而由绅士们来统治是该社会的最好的情况。
- The bread crisped up for you didn't wrap it well. 你没把面包包好,它变干了。
- The results were analyzed statistically. It was found that 42 cases were successfully retreated and 14 cases failed including 3 cases perforated, 1 case file broken. 结果42例患牙成功进行再治疗,14例患牙失败,其中3例出现侧穿,1例器械折断。
- One can not learn a language well unless one works hard. 学好一种语言非下苦功不可。
- So nuclear power, even in a best case, is only likely to be a small fraction of the long-term effort to curb emissions of carbon dioxide. 所以核能,即使是在最好的情况下,也只可能是在长期卓绝的消减二氧化碳排放努力中很小的一部分。