- The book is weighed down with footnotes. 这本书注脚过多而变得枯燥无味。
- The branches were weighed down with ripe apples. 苹果成熟了把树枝都压弯了。
- He was weighed down with a pile of parcels. 他被一堆包裹压得直不起腰。
- His mother was weighed down with care. 他的母亲被忧虑压得心情沉重。
- I was weighed down with the shopping. 我拿着买来的东西,给压弯了腰。
- The slender stalks are weighed down with flowers. 纤细的花梗被花儿压弯了。
- I was weighed down with baggage. 我被行李压得走不动路。
- She is weighed down with many troubles. 她被许多麻烦事压得透不过气来。
- The branches were weighed down with ripeapples. 苹果成熟了把树枝都压弯了。
- Her eyes were weighed down with trouble. 她的眼睑愁苦得往下耷拉着。
- She was weighed down with grief. 她悲不自胜。
- She was weighed down with sorrow. 他被忧愁压得心情沉重。
- The boat was weighed down with barrels of food. 船被一桶桶食物压得沉了下去。
- The branches of the fruit tree were weighed down with the crop. 果树被累累果实压弯了腰。
- I have said the law should not be weighed down with too much detail. 过去我曾经讲过,基本法不宜太细。
- For months after her husband's death,Mrs Brown was weighed down with grief. 在丈夫死后的几个月里,布朗夫人因悲痛而心情沉重。
- Her feet icy, she twisted and turned, unable to sleep, weighed down with fear and despair. 那时她的脚冰冷心,心里又装满了恐惧和绝望,在床上翻来复去,再也睡不着。
- Fourth, during rectification you may feel weighed down with a heavy load mentally. 第四,整风中思想上是会感到有压力的。
- By summer, the vines carpet the valley floor and are weighed down with grapes and covered by thick leaf canopies. 夏天,树叶越来越繁密,果实越来越丰盛,远远望去,葡萄树仿佛为大地铺上了一层华丽的地毯。
- He was weighed down with grief. 他因忧愁而颓丧。