- He does not know how to make use of this waste gas. 他不知如何利用这种废气。
- I put the kettle on the gas burner,and lelt it itself. 我把壶放在煤气灶上,然后就走开把这件事忘掉了。
- A gas burner on a cooker should burn with a blue flame. 煤气炉燃烧的火焰是蓝色的。
- Cars pollute the air in the form of waste gas. 汽车以废气的形式污染空气。
- Waste gas Of cars breeds air pollution. 汽车的尾气造成空气污染。
- The chimney is no longer giving off volumes of waste gas into the atmosphere, as protective filters are being used. 加装了防护过滤器以后,这烟囟已不再散发成股的废气到大气中去了。
- Some stoves are oil burners; others are gas burners. 有些炉子是烧油的,有些是烧瓦斯的。
- Industrial waste gas disposal has reached 80 percent. 全区工业废气处理率已达80%25。
- The waste gas emitted by factory always polluted air. 从工厂排出来的废气经常污染空气。
- Jones, H.R.N., “The Application of Combustion Principles to Gas Burner Design,” British Gas, 1989. 赖耿阳译著,瓦斯炉燃烧装置实务,复汉出版社,民国75年。
- The waste gas exhausted from factories always pollutes the air. 从工厂排出来的废气经常污染空气。
- This paper analyzes safe work of gas burner, and puts forward design of automatic control. 提出了燃气燃烧机的安全工作要求及其自动控制设计。
- How to incinerate in order reduce waste gas emission? 该如何焚化才能降低污染排放?
- The furnaces use electric heater or gas burner, control and carry out the process automatically. 采用电加热或者天然气加热,自动调控工艺程序,并能自动完成从进料到出料的全部热处理工序。
- The fuel burner of an open hearth furnace is water cool, as is the valve that regulate the flow of air and waste gases. 平炉的燃料燃烧室是用水冷却的,控制空气和废气的阀也是水冷的。
- Waste gas expelling from factories always pollutes air. 从工厂排出来的废气经常污染空气。
- Be about to cistern, gas burner, freezer (glacial ark) as became repeatedly at 3 o'clock, form a triangle. 即将水槽、煤气灶、电冰箱(冰柜)作为三点连成一片,形成一个三角形。
- The waste gas come from factory often make air pollute. 从工厂排出来的废气经常污染空气。
- ELECT deals in Gas burner, Heating systems as well as in Heat generation plants. 在不同的、量的产品供应中,elect是一家成熟的制造商和服务商,例如气体燃烧器,供暖系统,供热设备。
- The fuel burner of an open - hearth furnace is water - cool,as is the valve that regulates the flow of air and waste gases. 平炉的燃料燃烧室是用水冷却的,控制空气和废气的阀也是水冷的。