- She went for a little wander round the park. 她到公园去遛达遛达。
- Please don't wander off the point. 请不要离题。
- Don't let your mind wander from the main point as issue. 不要让你的思路离开争论的主题。
- Don't wander about the room like that. Get something to do. 不要那样在房间里乱走,找点事情做。
- He realized his audience's attention was beginning to wander. 他意识到听众精神已不太集中了。
- Her unconscious looks wander to her husband with infantile dependency. 带著像婴儿般的依赖她不由自主地把目光投向了她的丈夫。
- The animals are allowed to wander at will in the park. 这些动物可以在公园里随意走动。
- An expanse of land suitable for livestock to wander and graze on. 放牧地,牧场一片适宜于牲畜游荡和进食的广大土地
- The poet wanted to wander those countries on his own. 诗人想独自漫游那些国家。
- To be the biggest Termite Control company in China. 成为全中国最大的白蚁保养公司。
- One termite is captured on the Cameroon round logs. 在喀麦隆原木上截获模斯乳白蚁
- Remedy is spraying anti - termite syrup. 补救方法是喷洒防白蚁药水。
- Scope: Termite control. Termite control. 经营范围:白蚁防治研究。
- Not the ugly color of a termite! 而不是白蚁丑陋的色彩!
- During work our mind must not wander. 干活的时候,思想别开小差。
- An old man's wit may wander (Tennyson). 一个老人也可能胡思乱想(坦尼桑)。
- The poet want to wander those countries on his own. 诗人想独自漫游那些国家。
- It is a pleasure to wander through a strange city. 在一个陌生的城市随便走走,是很有意思的。
- He began to wander through the street. 他开始在街头踯躅。
- Particles wander everywhere in the bed. 颗粒在床层中到处游动。