- He is the sole wage earner in his family. 他是家中唯一挣工资的人。
- The job requires extra pluck and zeal from every young wage earner. 这项工作要求每个挣工资度日的年轻人特别的勇气和热情。
- As a wage earner, it is very necessary that I buy a car. 作为一个上班族,买一辆汽车是非常必要的。
- You cannot lift the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer. 打倒资产拥有者,不能够提高劳动人民的生活。
- The average wage earner in China squirrels away a quarter of annual income. 中国工薪阶层一般会将年收入的四分之一用于储蓄。
- As to alienation, after Marx discovered the law of surplus value, he used that term only to describe wage labour in capitalist society. 至于“异化”,马克思在发现剩余价值规律以后,曾经继续用这个说法来描写资本主义社会中工人的雇佣劳动,
- Examples of epochs include feudalism (the economy being based on land ownership) and capitalism (characterised by wage labour and the existence of capital). 历史的进步通过一系列阶段实现,每一阶段都有一个独特的经济安排。
- Income may be lost as the result of the death,disability,or unemployment of a family wage earner. 家庭中挣工资的人可能由于死亡、丧失劳动力或失业而使这个家庭失去收入。
- I don't want to set the Thames on fire. I'm satisfied just to be an ordinary wage earner. 我不想轰动一时,作为一名领工资吃饭的人我就心满意足了。
- I don't want to set the Thames on fire.I'm satisfied just to be an ordinary wage earner. 我不想轰动一时。我只当一名领工资吃饭的人就心满意足了。
- I don't want to set the Thames on fire.I'm satisfied? just to be an ordinary wage earner. 我不想轰动一时。我只当一名领工资吃饭的人就心满意足了。
- The combination of the machinery production in large scale with the institution of wage labour is an important mark of the modernity of production and management in the early history of Jiangnan Shipyard. 大规模机器生产和自由雇用劳动制度相结合,是江南制造局生产经营现代性的重要标志;
- The government exacts taxes from every wage earner above a certain level of income. 政府向每个工资收入超过一定水平的人征税。
- Income may be lost as the result of the death, disability, or unemployment of a family wage earner. 家庭中挣工资的人可能由于死亡、丧失劳动力或失业而使这个家庭失去收入。
- It's not so much the extra money, though I do worry about our household being completely dependent on one wage earner in a contracting economy. 可以挣到更多的钱并不是最主要的原因,不过我确实对经济持续萎缩之际,一家子全靠一份薪水过活感到担忧。
- In addition, the commune's wage labourers have a built-in working union. 此外,公社的薪资劳动者有一个内在的工作联合。
- In effect, the American consumer was buying subsidized consumer goods at the expense of the Chinese wage earner, who was paid less than a fair price for his or her labor. 实际上,美国消费者购买经过中国工人补贴的消费品,而中国工人的工资,被支付了一个不公平的价格,相对于他们的劳动。
- Such a threat, on a national scale, under Black leadership, helped replace the stereotype of the Black worker as servant with the image of the Black worker as wage earner. 这种在黑人领导之下的全国范围的罢工威胁,有助于改变人们认为黑人工人是仆人的固有看法,黑人工人作为雇佣劳动者的形象被树立起来了。
- It has converted the physician, the lawyer, the priest, the poet, the man of science, into its paid wage labourers. 它把医生、律师、教士、诗人和学者变成了它出钱招雇的雇佣劳动者。
- A wage earner. 劳动者挣工资的人