- vomiting with yin asthenia 阴虚呕吐
- night sweating with yin asthenia 阴虚盗汗
- yellowish mouth with yin asthenia 阴虚黄喉
- The yin asthenia type of Dai clan group was higher than t... 汉族族群痰湿质、湿热质的比例高于傣族族群。
- headache with yin asthenia 阴虚头痛
- hectic fever with yin asthenia 阴虚劳热
- Vomiting with sour vomitus of spouting diarrhea with tenesmus is caused by wind. 诸病吐酸,暴注下迫,皆属于热。
- tonsillitis with yin asthenia 阴虚乳蛾
- extreme heat with yin asthenia 阴虚热盛
- fever with yin asthenia 阴虚发热
- malaria with yin asthenia 阴虚发疟
- flaccidity with yin asthenia 阴虚痿
- vertigo with yin asthenia 阴虚眩晕
- stomachache with yin asthenia 阴虚胃脘痛
- recurrence with yin asthenia 阴虚劳复
- asthma with yin asthenia 阴虚喘
- We reported a case of gastric emphysema due to pyloric stenosis.Abdominal distension and vomiting with coffee ground substance were the main symptoms. 今报告一名由于幽门狭窄造成胃气肿的病例,主要的症状表现为腹胀及咖啡状的呕吐物。
- dyspnea with yin asthenia 阴虚喘逆
- This article presented Shao Rongshi's experience in the treatment of hyperthyroidism of yin asthenia and internal heat. 摘要介绍邵荣世老师论治阴虚内热型甲状腺功能亢进症立法方药的经验。
- A doctor might prescribe a drug to bring your heartbeat back under control and try to induce vomiting with ipecac, pump your stomach or absorb the toxin with ingested charcoal. 医生可能会让你服用药物以恢复正常心跳,并尝试通过吐根、洗胃或通过服用木炭来吸出毒素。