- To be frank,the mainland's volume of foreign trade is less than that of Taiwan. 坦率地说,现在我们的对外贸易总额还不如台湾多。
- The total volume of foreign trade of even so large a country as China was only US$50 billion last year. 中国这么一个大的第三世界国家,对外贸易额去年才刚刚达到五百亿美元。
- The increase in the volume of foreign trade made the role of the compradore: appear to be one of increasing importance. 对外贸易的总量增加让买办的角色看起来也越来越重要。
- Foreign trade involves both import and export. With a quadrupled volume of foreign trade China would be able to absorb more foreign capital and products. 贸易总是一进一出的,如果达到翻两番,中国容纳资金、商品的能力就大了。
- Economic problems were exacerbated by three bad harvests (1959-1961) with the result that national income and the volume of foreign trade contracted during 1960-1962. 三年自然灾害(1959-1961)加剧了经济问题,造成1960-1962年间的国民收入和对外贸易额的减少。
- There exist certain correlationd between the volume of foreign trade and the industrial structure in Dalian.The development of foreign trade can accelerate the ungrading of industrial structure. 大连对外贸易额与产业结构变化呈现出一定的相关关系,通过发展对外贸易,能够带来产业结构升级的动态效果。
- There exist certain correlations between the volume of foreign trade and the industrial structure in Dalian.The development of foreign trade can accelerate the ungrading of industrial structure. 大连对外贸易额与产业结构变化呈现出一定的相关关系,通过发展对外贸易,能够带来产业结构升级的动态效果。
- physical volume of foreign trade 对外贸易物量
- index number of the volume of foreign trade 对外贸易数量指数
- Source: Bureau of Foreign Trade (BOFT), Taiwan. 資料來源:我國經濟部國貿局。
- Source: Bureau of Foreign Trade (BOFT), ROC. 资料来源:我国经济部国际贸易局。
- The current account is the broadest measure of foreign trade. 经常帐户(?)是外贸的最广泛的量度。
- Mr.Huang received his LLM from Shanghai Institute of Foreign Trade. 在上海对外贸易学院获得法学硕士学位。
- The volume of our foreign trade now stands at a little over $40 billion. Right? 现在我国的对外贸易额是四百多亿美元吧?
- on the other hand, the volume of foreign trade have great reversive influence on the industrial structure. 产业结构决定对外贸易,对外贸易对产业结构有巨大的反作用力。
- The Strategic Thinking on Boosting the Total Volume of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation of Shanxi in an All- round Way 全面提升山西外经贸总量的战略思考
- The volume of trade with Japan has increased. 与日本的贸易额增加了。
- Singapore is highly dependent on foreign trade,the volume of which is about four times our GDP in 1997. 新加坡是个高度依赖对外贸易的国家,1997年的对外贸易额相等于国内生产总值的4倍。
- Singapore is highly dependent on foreign trade, the volume of which is about four times our GDP in 1997. 新加坡是个高度依赖对外贸易的国家,1997年的对外贸易额相等于国内生产总值的4倍。
- The volume of this container is 20 cubic meters. 这个集装箱的体积是20立方米。