- Bill is a volcanist and he collects volcano rock samples. 比尔是个火山学家,他收集了很多火山岩石样品。
- When Skirk Volcanist is turned face up, it deals 3 damage divided as you choose among any number of target creatures. 它造成3点伤害,你可以将该伤害分配给任意数量的目标生物。
- Professor randall, an illustrious volcanologist, pursued his discipline with a passion that went well beyond ordinary scientific enquiry. 兰德尔教授是著名的火山学家,他从事这门学科的热情远远超过普通的科学调查。
- Professor randall, an illustrious volcanologist, pursued his discipline with a passion that went well beyond ordinary scientific enquiry. 兰德尔教授是闻名的火山学家,他从事这门学科的热情远远超过普通的科学调查。
- "The biggest problem the Indonesians face," said a volcanologist, "is getting the local people to believe what the scientists say. “印尼人所面临的最大问题,”一位火山学家说,“就是让当地人相信科学家说的话。”
- Creative group discussion: Having learnt a little more about the work of a volcanologist, do you think it is a job you would enjoy? Post-reading 通过阅读学生对火山及火山学家的工作有了更新的认识,因此基于深入了解所做的职业选择会有更丰富的原因。
- Professor Hou Ming, of Beijing University, is a volcanologist who has been warning for years that the world has not seen the worst nature can do. 北京大学的火山专家侯明教授多年来一直警告人们自然对人类的最大灾难还没有降临。
- Brian: No. I'm a volcanologist. 布莱恩:不会呀,我是个火山学家。
- Sensors on the slopes of the two mountains -- Anak Krakatoa on the southern tip of Sumatra and Tangkuban Prahu in Java -- picked up an increase in volcanic activity and a buildup of gases, government volcanologist Syamsul Rizal said on Wednesday. 印尼火山学家上周三说,安放在苏门答腊岛南端的喀拉喀托火山和爪哇岛上的唐库班珀拉胡火山山坡上的传感器检测到这两座火山的活动在加剧,而且气体也在积聚。
- "What the officials are saying is that we're going to have a larger eruption than what we're seeing right at the moment," Volcanologist Catherine Hickson of Thompson Rivers University in Canada said. “官方人员说火山将会大爆发,比我们现在看到的要厉害得多”。加拿大公立汤普孙大学的火山学家凯瑟琳西克森说。
- volcanist n. 火山学者
- volcanologist n. 火山学家