- The issues in higher vocational art college are discussed from the view of new system economics, and hopefully it will have some apocalypse for all of you. 摘要从新制度经济学的观点对高职艺术院校存在的问题进行了分析、探讨,希望通过我们的思考对大家有所启示。
- vocational art college 艺术高职
- She failed to get into art college. 她未能进入艺术学院。
- In the late 1920s, he became principal of the Hangzhou Vocational art School. 20年代末,他又转任杭州艺专校长。
- vocational art colleges 艺术职业学院
- Lin came back to China in 1925 to work as principal of the Beiping State vocational art School. 1925年,林风眠回国,任北平国立艺术专科学校校长。]
- He learned Western painting in vocational art schools in Suzhou and Hangzhou and then went to France in 1939. 曾在苏州美专、杭州美专西画系就读,1939年去法国留学,后回国。
- He was recruited by the Shanghai Private Vocational art School at the age of 16. 16岁时考入上海私立美专
- Teachers of the Arts College are going to stage an exhibition. 艺术学院的教师们在筹划着要举办一个展览。
- The understanding of dance in high vocational art teaching plays an unchangeable role in training students' taste quality and comprehensive ability. 理解高职艺术教学中的舞蹈内涵,对培养学生的审美素质、综合能力有着不可替代的作用。
- Since his girl went to art college, she has run completely off the rail, dressing like a gypsy and coming home at all hours. 自从他的女儿进艺术学院以来,完全过着放荡的生活,装束像个吉普赛女郎,从不按时回家。
- Approved by Beijing Education Commission, Beijing Shengji Art School is a secondary vocational art school which grants diplomas. 北京盛基艺术学校是由北京市教委批准并具有颁发学历文凭的民办中等职业艺术学校。
- Since his girl went to art college,she has run completely off the rail,dressing like a gypsy and coming home at all hours. 自从他的女儿进艺术学院以来,完全过着放荡的生活,装束像个吉普赛女郎,从不按时回家。
- From music dept of Huanggang Normal Institute Art College, studying piano and flute. 来自黄网师范学院艺术学院音乐系,学习长笛,钢琴。
- From orchestral music dept of the Music Institute in Xinjiang Art College, studying flute specially. 来自新疆艺术学院音乐学院管弦系,专业学习长笛。
- Vocational arts colleges 艺术类高职院校
- Dual personality: untamed nature,meek , the art college China painting research direction graduate student graduates. 双重性格:野性、温婉,美术学院中国画研究方向研究生毕业.
- Art College students Takemoto, Mayama and Morita aren't necessarily living fancy lives, but they're having fun. 美术学院的学生竹本佑太、真山和森田虽然住在破旧的公寓里,生活穷苦,但是他们过得很快乐。
- Then Richard Hirch of RIT and Zhang Mingyuan of Tainan Art College visited HAP pottery. 接着是美国RIT陶艺系系主任里查赫胥及台南艺术学院张清渊来访。
- Morita who returns to Hama Art College after a long break also falls for Hagumi immediately. 森田的若即若离令阿久不知所措,竹本一直在旁照顾着叶久美,却始终碍于叶久美的才华而不敢透露心迹。