- villages and towns building 乡镇建筑物
- During the war,many of our villages and towns were burnt down by the invaders. 战争中,侵略者把我们的许多村庄和城市烧为平地。
- During the war, many of our villages and towns were burnt down by the invaders. 战争中,侵略者把我们的许多村庄和城市烧为平地。
- Shangrao has a large place and population, the situations among the counties. villages and towns are different. 上饶地域大,人口多,县与县、乡与乡的情况千差万别。
- What are the village and town's land administration busy on doing? 基层土管所在忙啥?
- Village and town enterprises have pig iron, limestone. 乡镇企业产品有生铁、石灰石。
- Should the "Direct Election in the Villages and Towns" Be Followed on a Large Scale? "乡镇直选"具有推广价值吗?
- We should pay attention to the excavation, publishing and research of books recording local villages and towns. 应该重视村镇志的发掘、整理、出版和研究。
- The third part is a careful design of the direct electoral procedure of chief executive of the villages and towns. 第三部分是对乡镇长直接选举程序的缜密设计。
- Unusually heavy rain since Monday has caused rivers to flow into villages and towns. 星期一以来,那里一直猛降罕见大雨,导致河水在村庄和城镇泛滥。
- Common folk from villages and towns that have been levied into the army, armed with spears and shields. 徵召矛兵通常来自于村镇平民,被徵召入伍参加战斗,装备长矛和盾牌。
- The flowers of the villages and towns, only hang the card and traffic signpost commonly. 乡镇花的应用,仅有公所内吊牌和户外交通路牌。
- Levy Spearmen are common folk from villages and towns that have been levied into the army. 征召长矛手是召入军队的普通城镇和乡村居民。
- village and town building 村镇建筑
- Word that the old man led his posterity to remove the mountains soon spread all over the villages and towns. 公公带领着子孙们移山的消息,没有多久,就传遍了各处的村?和市鎭。
- Ancient villages and towns are regional, rustic and natural and their characters are very remarkable. 由于古村镇所具有的地域性、乡土性和自然性等特点,其特色显著。
- Some small and medium enterprises (SMEs) should include China and India of the slowness, living in villages and towns. 一些中小印企包括乡镇企步履维艰,生存困难。
- Nowadays, knowledge of cadre of villages and towns was changed, but agriculture is ideal desalt of the foundation. 时下,乡镇干部知识化了,但农业为基础的观念淡化了。
- The products are sold to Changchun, Harbin, Wulanhaote, Baicheng, Songyuan, Tongliao and Siping etc.besides the shops of the villages and towns. 产品除满足县内各乡镇商场外,还远销长春、哈尔滨、乌兰浩特、白城、松源、通辽、四平等大中城市。
- According to scheduling, to 2010, east, mid area all villages, western all villages and towns will realize the area entirely a blacktop. 根据计划安排,到2010年,东、中部地区所有的村、西部地区所有的乡镇将全部实现通柏油路。