- View is the view with which column is associated. view是与column关联的视图。
- He expressed his view with candor. 他以坦率的心情表明自己的见解。
- Exchange market view with the expert from Swiss Re. 我司与瑞士再保险公司专家进行市场交流。
- Future developments will be viewed with interest. 未来的情况令人向往。
- Compare this view with Aristotle's. 将这个看法与亚里斯多德比较。
- I swapped my views with the other members of the committee. 我和委员会其他成员交换了看法。
- I had saw many people who have the same view with you. 我见过许多和你观点一致的人。
- A view with a unique clustered index is called an indexed view. 具有唯一聚集索引的视图称为索引视图。
- The chairman of MISC also the point of view with similar hold. MISC的主席也持有类似的观点。
- Norton strolls into view with NED GRIMES at his heels. 诺顿走过来视察,耐德紧跟着。
- He harmonized his views with existing facts. 他使自己的观点与事实一致。
- I take this opportunity to exchange views with you. 我趁此机会和你交换意见。
- He set forth his views with clearness and force. 有力地陈述了他的看法。
- He set forth his views with clarity and force. 他透彻而有力地阐述了他的观点。
- Future developments will is viewed with interest. 未来的情况令人向往.
- He harmonized his views with existing facts . 他使自己的观点与事实一致。
- We exchange views with China on different i ues. 我们就不同议题和中国交换意见。
- He expressed his views with a great deal of warmth. 他充满热情地陈述了自己的意见。
- An indexed view is a view with a unique clustered index created on it. 索引视图是包含为其创建的唯一聚集索引的视图。
- Active Processes Fills a list view with all running Windows processes. 活动进程用所有正在运行的Windows进程填充列表视图。