- Changing a Video Playback window's properties. 正在改变视频播放窗口的属性。
- Please manually start the video playback below. 请手动启动下面的视频播放。
- Improved visual quality of video playback. 改善视频播放的画面效果。
- Added fade out transitions for transitions from dash to video playback. 系统菜单播放视频时增加淡入淡出的过渡效果。
- Video playback quality improved. Some image frames might have not been shown in correct sequence. 视像播放增强。原来部分图像可能遇到错序播放的问题。
- Fix problems with your computer 's DVD player, such as the display, or audio or video playback. 修复您的计算机的DVD播放器的问题,例如显示,或音频、视频播放。
- Experimental results show that it can provide seamless video playback and reduce server load dramatically. 实验表明它能够进行无缝的视频播放,并可以显着降低服务器端负载。
- JAVA version of Storm video player can support multiple formats of video playback. JAVA版暴风影音播放器;可支持多种格式的视频播放.
- Teaching Room 1 CD player, satellite reception room two players, DVD video playback of a room. 教学光盘播放室1个,卫星接收播放室两个,DVD视频播放室一个。
- Video playback process, the storm continued humorous story lines and let the laughter at the scene again and again. 影片播放过程中,风波不断的剧情和幽默风趣的台词让现场笑声连连。
- All of our training packages include quality instruction by CHE professionals, video playback, official hockey school jerseys, and so much more. 所有由CHE专业人员,录像播放,正式曲棍球学校泽西,和这么多我们的训练包裹包括优秀说明。
- It's a rare pleasure to have a pocketable device with such high resolution, and web browsing and video playback truly shine on the N800. 这是一个难得的乐趣有一个便携装置,如此高的分辨率,网络浏览和视频播放,真正焕发出n800的光彩。
- Then, the size of the video playback window is set to the same size and position as the client area (loaded in rect) of the main application window (g_hWnd). 然后,将视频播放窗口的大小和位置设置为与主应用程序窗口(g_hWnd)的客户端区域(在rect中加载)的大小和位置相同。
- Proprietary Graphics Drivers can provide enhanced performance during High Definition Video playback and Menu Effects. They are also required for TV-Output. 11专利的图形驱动程式能在高清晰度影片再生及菜单效果下提供进阶性能。TV-输出亦需要它们。
- Integrated hardware video acceleration and hardware security/DRM processing for VGA video playback and camcorder functionality, video telephony, and digital TV. 集成的硬件视频加速和硬件安全/的DRM处理VGA视频播放和摄像功能,视频电话和数字电视。
- Your application can use MCI to control any supported multimedia device, including waveform-audio devices, MIDI sequencers, CD audio devices, and digital-video (video playback) devices. 您的应用程序能够使用MCI控制任何支持的多媒体设备,包括波形音频设备,MIDI音序器,CD音频设备,以及数字视频(视频回放)设备。
- There were four main activities, the Microsoft culture film quiz, Microsoft's corporate culture and video playback of the activities, Microsoft and cultural picture quiz, the assembly of the sponsors. 活动主要包括四个内容,微软文化短片的竞猜,微软企业文化和活动相关短片的播放,微软文化图片的竞猜,有关提案的征集。
- More control of audio and video playback 更强的视频和音频播放控制
- Full Screen Video Playback Controls 完善的屏幕视频重放控制
- In video disk, a consecutive sequence of frames. 在视频光盘上,一种连续的帧序列。