- He is vested with very power to act. 赋予他采取行动的一切权利。
- His weak chest was a legacy of a childhood illness. 他那瘦弱的胸脯是儿时患病的后遗症。
- He only wears a vest in the room. 他在家里只穿了一件背心。
- His uncle left him a legacy of $50,000. 他叔父给他留下五万元遗产。
- The estate vested in the wife of the deceased. 这财产属于死者的妻子。
- vested legacy [法] 既得遗产
- An unexpected legacy enabled him to wipe off the debt on his house. 一笔意想不到的遗产使他得以还清买房子欠下的债。
- Cindy vested herself in a red skirt to meet her boyfriend. 辛迪穿了件红裙子,去见男朋友。
- The management of the foundation is vested in a board of trustees. 基金会的管理交由理事会负责。
- He's gambled away all his father's legacy. 他把他父亲的遗产全赌光了。
- A woman's laced outer garment, worn like a vest over a blouse. 紧身马甲妇女穿的有花边的外衣,如背心一样穿在外衣的上面
- His shirt was so thin that his vest showed through (it). 他的衬衫很薄,连里面穿的背心都能看见。
- Remove a legacy from a will, because the item concerned no longer exist. 因为有关物品已不再存在从遗嘱中将其除消。
- These books are his legacy to the college. 这些书籍是他给学院的遗赠。
- One proviso attaches to the legacy. 这个遗赠附带一项限制性条款。
- Congress is vested with the power to declare war. 国会被赋以宣战的权利。
- The celebrant vested himself in the sanctuary. 主持弥撒的神甫在祭坛上穿上祭袍。
- She accepts them as her genetic legacy. 她把它们作为与生俱来的财富接受了下来。
- The policy that absolute authority in the Church should be vested in the pope. 教宗至上论教会中的绝对权力援于教皇的政策
- An inheritance or a legacy; heritage. 遗产继承物,遗产;继承权