- Howe is very hard on his people. He cracks the whip. And he has a short fuse. 豪对手下人很残酷,他鞭子抽得劈啪作响,脾气坏极了。
- This close italic print is very hard on the eyes. 看这种排得很紧的斜体字,很伤人的眼睛。
- Our presence is very hard on them. 我们出现在他们面前,叫人家非常难堪。
- He worked very hard on a hot afternoon. 习惯用的词组。
- Stepmother is very hard on Snow White. 继母对白雪公主很苛刻.
- He is very hard on his children. 他对孩子非常严格。
- Children are very hard on their shoes. 小孩子很容易穿坏鞋子。
- Children are very hard on their shoes and clothes. 孩子穿鞋、穿衣服都很费力。
- The landlady was very hard on her tenants. 女房东对租户很苛刻。
- He is very hard on others but not at all on himself. 他对人很严格,但对他自己却完全不是这么一回事儿。
- They are working very hard on developing new products. 他们努力工作开发新产品。
- Looking at a computer screen all day can be very hard on the eyes. 成天盯着计算机屏幕可能会对眼睛造成严重损害。
- I'm also a stress eater, which means campaigns are very hard on me. 我还是一位受压力的促使的进食者,这意味着大选对我来说是严厉的考验。
- Howe is very hard on his people.He cracks the whip.And he has a short fuse. 豪对手下人很残酷,他鞭子抽得劈啪作响,脾气坏极了。
- Professor Smith was very hard on us and failed several students last time. 史密斯教授对我们很苛刻,上次考试有好几个同学没及格。
- AMINA: I worked very hard on those. I really thought they were valuable. 我在这方面工作很努力。我真的认为他们很有价值。
- These last two months and a half, when it was forbidden to write or receive a letter, have been very hard on me. 最近这两个半月禁止通信,真是难熬。
- I can't speak for other artists, but in my own work I am very hard on myself and set very high demands of my work. 我不能说其他的艺术家也是这样,但在我自己的作品中,我对自己非常严格并且对作品设定了非常高的要求。
- In a way, it is a fairer surface, you know.It is just very hard on your body, because of the Rebound Ace. 但或许再过几年,当我在场上的奔跑速度下降以后,我想我也会更多地采取上网的战术。
- Don't be too hard on her she's very young. 别对她太严了--她还小呢。