- At the mature pollen stage, certain amount of callose accumulates in cytoplasm of the vegetative cell. 二胞花粉晚期,药室内壁加厚完成,,营养细胞的细胞质中积累了大量胼胝质。
- After the primary stain is applied and the smear is heated, both the vegetative cell and spore will appear green. 在初染色施用与抹片加热后,营养细胞与孢子一起呈现绿色。
- Ovarian nurse cell polytene chromosomes of F1 hybrid females were examined, to observe any synapsis in different zones of chromosomes. 制作杂种 F1 卵巢营养细胞多线染色体标本, 观察染色体各区域的联会情况。
- At anaphase of mitosis, the organelles in microspore cytoplasm are concentrated in the future vegetative cell pole. 有丝分裂后期,细胞器集中于未来的营养细胞极。
- The surface of the generative cell shows some wave-like extrusions in the opposite direction of the vegetative cell. 生殖细胞表面产生波状突起,波峰背离营养核。
- During bi-cellular pollen, the starches were synthesized in the pollens after the large vacuole of vegetative cell disappeared. 在二胞花粉时期,随着花粉大液泡的消失花粉中出现淀粉粒;
- Virtually all developing animal ova are surrounded by helper cells, either follicle cells or nurse cells. 实际上,所有发育过程中的卵都辅助细胞环绕,要么是滤泡细胞,要么是抚育细胞。
- For example, in the unicellular chlamydomonas the vegetative cell is haploid, and the only diploid cells are the zygospores, which germinate to produce haploid zoospores. 例如,在单细胞的衣藻中营养细胞是单倍体,唯一的二倍体细胞是接合孢子(应为孢子,译者注),萌发后能产生单倍体的游动孢子。
- However, in insects with panoistic ovarioles containing no nurse cells, it is uncertain whether or not they contain maternal germ plasm or nuage. 然而,在不具有营养细胞的无营养细胞型微卵管中,母系生殖浆或生殖云是否存在仍属未定。
- The life cycle of flowering plants may now be bridged at the level of free vegetative cells. 现在显花植物的“生活史”可以在游离营养细胞的水平上连结起来。
- The nuclei, located in the vegetative cells, each contain one set of seven chromosomes. 位于营养细胞中的每个核含有一套七条染色体。
- "They provide a lot of information that the egg needs to grow and develop properly," Woodruff said."It's a big priority for us to understand how the nurse cells talk to the egg. “它们提供了卵需要生长和正常发育的许多信息,这对于我们了解营养细胞和卵如何关联是一个大的优势。”
- The unclei, located in the vegetative cells, each contain one set of seven chromosomes. 位于营养细胞中的每个核含有一套染色体,共7条。
- Keywords Trichinella spiralis Nurse cell In vitro; 旋毛虫;保姆细胞;体外培养;
- Myxobacteria are Gram-negative, unicellular, gliding bacteria with rod-shaped vegetative cells. 粘细菌是革蓝氏阴性、单细胞、滑动细菌,营养细胞杆状,菌落呈薄膜状扩展。
- In diatoms the vegetative cells are diploid, and are formed directly by the fusion of gametes. 硅藻类的营养细胞是二倍体,它是由配子融合直接产生的。
- These were incubated with shaking for 4 days at 32 C, and the sporulated culture was kept at 45 C overnight to allow autolysis of vegetative cells. 这些培养物在32C下摇动着培养了了4天,孢子培养是保持在45C下一整夜,以便植物细胞自溶。
- In some insects with meriostic ovarioles, maternal germ plasm is assembled during oogenesis and contains germline determinants that originated from the perinuclear nuage in the nurse cells. 在某些具有营养细胞型微卵管的昆虫当中,母系生殖浆在卵发育的过程形成,而且生殖浆内所含生殖细胞决定物质系来自于营养细胞的生殖云。
- The discovery, Woodruff said, will enable researchers to understand how nurse cells (granulosa cells), the cells that support and surround the maturing egg, communicate with the egg. 伍德乐夫说,这项发现能使研究员们了解营养细胞(颗粒细胞),也就是支撑和环绕逐渐成熟的卵的细胞,如何与卵细胞联系。
- Withen the maturing fruiting body,a cellular differentiation takes place during which the vegetative cells convert into short,fat,optically refractile myxospores. 粘细菌产生的生物活性物质的特点是种类多、结构新、菌株特异性强等,具有极好的应用开发潜力。