- One can congratulate oneself on one's victories. 一个人也可以自己庆祝自己的胜利。
- It is not always easy to amuse oneself on holiday. 让自己在假期里自娱并不总是容易的。
- It is not always easy to amuse oneself on holiday . 让自己在假期里自娱并不总是容易的。
- Model oneself on [after, upon] sb. 效法某人,以某人为榜样
- value oneself on v. 自夸
- If one does not mean what one says, isn't it like slapping oneself on the face? 说过的话不算数,这不是自己抽耳刮子吗?!
- In some societies it is a point of honour to revenge oneself on somebody who has insulted a member of one's family. 在某些社会中,向侮辱了自己家庭某一成员的人进行报复,是关系到个人荣誉的事情。
- But many farmers however " the market will fear the market " , self-abased, recreant, place oneself on backseat. 但不少农民却“市场来了怕市场”,自卑、胆小,把自己摆在了次要位置上。
- Girl dress swimsuit is to-and-fro, show oneself on one hand, enjoy sunshine on one hand. 女孩子穿着游泳衣走来走去,一方面显示自己,一方面享受阳光。
- There is quite complicated denied circulation and denied oneself on the value orientation in Whoop and Oscillation, the ideological system of the works demonstrates a kind of confused state correspondingly too. 呐喊》、彷徨》在价值取向上存在着相当复杂的循环否定和自我否定现象,其思想体系也相应呈现出一种无序的混乱状态。
- I set a high value on his advice. 我认为他的忠告很有价值。
- He puts a high value on integrity. 他对正直的评价很高。
- There are accepted ways of conducting oneself on a golf course and in the club house. 无论是在高尔夫球场上,或是在俱乐部会员所内,都会有一定的行为之规。
- The 20th minute, after Maness left wing breaks through continuously, the small angle shoots to hit after protects oneself on springs. 第20分钟,梅内斯左路连续突破后小角度射门打在后卫身上弹出。
- Classics trial, wang Shuai is to oneself on the net the concoctive fact, act that violates other spirit admits hair post. 经审讯,王帅对自己在网上发帖捏造事实、侵犯他人人格的行为供认不讳。
- A little crack detracts from the value of the vase. 小小的裂痕减损那个花瓶的价值。
- Words are helpless things sometimes when it comes to expressing oneself on a sorrowful event like this. I can only tell you that you are in my heart and thought. 在这样悲惨的事情上,要表白心,言语显得那样苍白无力,我只想告诉你,你在我心坎上,在我的思念中。
- To stop in the Bull Run or station oneself on the walls or barriers or in the doorways in such a way as to impede the run or the defense of the runners. 让奔牛活动暂停或者在墙上、警戒线或入口上派某人用某些方式来影响路跑或者攻击路跑人。
- But Yao Ming lets Heuss be supposed today to put the blame on oneself on scenery in the bodily condition adjustment, his truly also need more competitions seek for the feeling. 对凯尔特人时,他与皮尔斯的斗法很令人过瘾,但是如果每场比赛他都将一腔热情倾洒在这件事上,那么阿德尔曼将发现:水火交融与烈焰冲天究竟有着怎样的差别。
- I have a negative opinion on the value of this idea. 我对这个主意持反对意见。