- For example, vacuum metallurgy, power condensers, transtormers, vacuum macerate process, fore-sucking for vacuum coating equipment, etc. 如:真空冶炼,电力电容器,变压器,真空浸渍处理,真空镀膜设备中的预抽等。
- oil-free ultra-high vacuum coating equipment 无油超高真空镀膜设备
- The Principle and Malfunction Analysis of Vacuum Coating Equipment 真空镀膜机的原理及故障分析
- Control System Reforming of Vacuum Coating Equipment 真空镀膜机控制系统的改造
- The Design and Manufacture of Experimental Vacuum Coating Equipment 学生实验真空镀膜机的设计与制作
- Lu:su caps, vacuum coating processing. 铝塑瓶盖、真空镀膜加工。
- Assists to fix the equipment problems in the vacuum coating areas, to minimize the break down time. 协助解决真空镀膜区的设备故障,最大限度降低坏机时间。
- High-quality flow controller, pressure transducer, pressure gauge ect. for vacuum equipment, coating equipment and semiconductor equipment. 用于真空镀膜、空溅射、导体制造设备的质量流量计、力传感器、力表及相关产品。
- Vacuum equipment are: vacuum coating machines, vacuum steaming aluminum Taiwan, vacuum storage cabinets, vacuum exhaust Taiwan, vacuum drying oven. 真空设备主要有:真空镀膜机、真空蒸铝台、真空贮存柜、真空排气台、真空干燥箱。
- Multiple ions composite diffusion coating equipment included furnace body, glow discharge power, arc power, water cooling system, vacuum system and detecting system etc. 摘要多元离子复合渗镀设备是由炉体、辉光电源、电弧电源、水冷系统、真空系统和监测系统六部分组成;
- Spare parts for electrostatic powder coating equipment and service. 销售进口粉末喷枪、配件和维修服务;
- The enterprise deyang sunlight electric co., ltd. has special knowledge within the ranges Roasting, Thyristor and Vacuum coating as well as Sputtering. 公司专业从事晶闸管可控硅整流器、烤架以及真空镀膜和溅射业务。
- The services of the chengdu anqing optical co., ltd. cover further services and also Vacuum coating. 公司专业从事晶闸管可控硅整流器、烤架以及真空镀膜和溅射业务。
- S-gun is a kind of advanced vacuum spatter coating devices It can be used to carry on many vacuum coating technology. 枪是一种先进的真空溅射镀膜器件,可用于进行多种真空镀膜工艺。
- VICO offers an extensive range of Industrial Vacuum Coating Plants for a wide variety of applications. VICO公司提供各种工业真空镀层设备,应用广泛。
- Shanghai Industrial Spray Coating Equipments Factory. 上海工业喷涂设备厂。
- Specialists with tens of years of experience in designing and manufacturing coating equipment. 从事相关工业领域几十年的专家。
- Our product Cr powder is optical vacuum coating material. We can produce according to the standard you demand. Welcome to contact us and transact business with us! 我公司生产的铬粉产品为真空镀膜材料,纯度高,品质优,可以根据您对产品规格的具体要求来生产!我公司坚持以“质量第一,信誉至上”为经营宗旨,热忱欢迎您与我们联系洽谈业务!
- The present situation of coating equipment is introducedand its trend of development in the future is discussed. 简要描述目前涂布设备的发展状况,并讨论了涂布设备的未来发展趋势。