- They filled up the vacancy by election. 通过选举填补空额。
- Viz., one Church-of-England man, one Presbyterian, one Baptist, one Moravian, etc., those, in case of vacancy by death, were to fill it by election from among the contributors. 就是一个是英格兰教徒,一个长老教徒,一个浸礼教徒,一个兄弟派教等等,那些人,在因死亡而空缺时,由捐款人中选举而充任之。
- Trade Union representatives are chosen by election. 工会代表是经选举产生的。
- fill(up)a vacancy by election 以选举的方式补满缺额
- Fill the vacancy by election 以选举方式填补空缺
- fill (up) a vacancy by election 以选举的方式补满缺额
- vacancy by election [法] 以选举方式填补空缺
- How are members of Parliament chosen MPs are chosen by election. 国会议员是怎麽产生出来的由投票选举产生。
- Each Department is governed by elected officials. 各省由民选产生的省长管理。
- Article 68 The Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall be constituted by election. 第六十八条 香港特别行政区立法会由选举产生。
- Under the Basic Law,the Legislative Council of the HKSAR shall be constituted by election. 《基本法》规定,香港特别行政区立法会由选举产生。
- First look out for worms, and supply vacancies by planting anew. 要注意虫子,再在没有出苗的位置上补种苗。
- The Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall be constituted by election. 第六十八条香港特别行政区立法会由选举产生。
- Mr Burris was selected to fill the vacancy by Rod Blagojevich, Illinois's governor, who is accused of trying to sell the seat. 伯利斯由伊州州长布拉高维杰挑选,该州长被指控尝试出售参议席位。
- The nomination, not to mention the presidency, seemed Mr Obama's not by election but by global acclamation. 抛开总统任职不提,Obama此次获得的竞选提名对他而言似乎意味着全球的赞赏。
- At the last election, they kinked him in the teeth by electing his opponent. 在最后一次选举中,他们故意气气他,把他的对手选了上去。
- The country is governed by elected representatives of the people. 这个国家由民选代表统治。
- He was chosen by election. 他由选举方法选出。
- Fill a vacancy by appointment. 任命人员填补空缺。
- Joshua Teitelbaum of the Moshe Dayan Center and a professor at Tel Aviv University says the polling data will likely change by Election Day. 不过,特拉维夫大学达扬中心的教授泰特尔鲍姆说,民意调查在选举日时很有可能会改变。