- public transportation' s satisfaction degree 公交满意度
- reader s satisfaction degree 读者满意度
- Customer?s satisfaction is our greatest pursuit. 顾客满意是我们最大的追求。
- User s satisfaction value of a single section of greenway does not influence his/her satisfaction, as well as recommending and revisiting willingness on the whole greenway. 本研究选择台中市最具代表性的绿园道区段,分别就9个区段之周边环境因子进行调查。
- The curve for satisfaction degree of commodity exchange has been drawn out with S (surplus volume of exchange) and M(the satisfaction degree of exchange). 文中利用交换剩余S量化交换满意程度M,得到商品交换满意程度曲线。
- The expectation service v.s. the customer s satisfaction reveals influence. 1.;期望服务对知觉价值具有显著影响。2
- The higher the level of learning motivation, the higher their learning satisfaction degree. 五、外籍配偶学员学习动机愈高则学习满意度愈高。
- The case study of resident s satisfaction on dwelling units of housing region in Istanbul,Turkey is also demonstrated. 结合实例,分析了某居住单元平面满意度评价的研究过程,最后,提出了两点建议。
- Objective To find out the asymmetrical influence of services attributes on the satisfaction degree of inpatients. 目的了解服务属性对患者满意度的非对称性影响。
- Volitional control is a great benefit of improving the satisfaction degree with life. 意志控制有利于提高生活满意度水平,能贡献总方差的7%25。
- The franchise chain headquarter s leadership quality has positive impact towards the perception of franchisor s satisfaction. 加盟总部对加盟者的领导效能,会正向影响加盟者对加盟总部的满意度。
- You might discuss a difficult situation with a subordinate, provided that the issues were resolved inventively and to everyone’s satisfaction. 可以谈谈某个相对次要的困难局面,而最终问题得到了创造性地解决,令各方均满意。
- As system-level maximizes the overall satisfaction degree function, each discipline can acquire the optimum satisfaction solutions, simultaneously. 系统级在满足一致性约束的同时,最大化综合满意度方程,使所有学科同时获得最满意的优化解。
- The perception of franchisor s tranaction quality has positive impact towards the perception of franchisor s satisfaction. 加盟总部与加盟者的交易品质,会正向影响加盟者对加盟总部的满意度。
- Conclusions Application of systematic thought in clinic nursing education improves the education quality and increase the satisfaction degree. 结论将系统思维应用于临床护理带教,提高了教学质量,增加了带教满意度。
- The obvious mutuality between the practical aspect of service quality and customer’s satisfaction has positive effects. 不同个人属性顾客群对忠诚度,在性别、婚姻及年龄有显著性差异存在。
- Objective To improve the effect of hospitalizing education in priority ward and promote the patients trust and satisfaction degree. 目的提高特诊病人的入院宣教效果,提升病人信任度和满意度。
- A qualitative factor customer satisfaction degree is quantified as service level, then a multi-target programming model is established. 将其中顾客满意度这一定性因素用量化的服务水平代替,由此建立一个多目标规划模型。
- Objective Probe into the satisfaction degree of Medicare for labor workers in Shenzhen and assesses the influencing factors of health service. 目的研究深圳市劳务工医疗保险卫生服务满意度,并评估满意度的影响因素,为提高劳务工卫生服务质量的管理决策提供依据。
- Decision task moderated the effects of decision procedure on group decision making processes and outcomes through the exchange of unshared information and leader’s satisfaction. 决策任务对决策程序和决策过程间关系的中介作用主要表现在对非共享信息的沟通和交流以及领导满意度两个方面。