- Your job, as a reader or listener, is to actively search for instances in which the writer or speaker uses ambiguous language or makes mistakes in reasoning. 你作为一个读者或者听者的任务,就是积极地寻找作者或演讲者用含糊不清的语言或在推论重犯错误的例子。
- This makes undesirable elements to take advantage of. of valuation, management banner for the black-box operation, using ambiguous language to the essence of prevarication valuation of the past. 这都使得不良分子有机可乘,打着估价、管理的旗号进行暗箱操作,用含糊其辞的语句将估价的精髓搪塞过去。”
- Don't use ambiguous words, such as perhaps or maybe. 不要使用诸如“或许”、“可能”等模棱两可的词汇。
- Japanese often use ambiguous expressions so that you never know what they are thinking. 日本人经常使用含糊表达,以至于你根本。
- His ambiguous language, virtually like a knife inserted into the atrium of the girls. 他的言语暧昧,无形中就像壹把尖刀插进了女孩的心房。
- The Use of Ambiguous Language in Practical Writing 谈模糊语言在应用文写作中的使用
- After that, KEDO and North Korea agreed, in ambiguous language, that North Korea would be free to choose its source of supply. 之后,朝鲜半岛能源开发组和朝鲜达成一个模糊不清的协议,朝鲜将自由选择其燃料供应国。
- It hig hly discusses the norm system, theoritical base, system model, system structure, system function and practical application of norm value to use ambiguous evalua tion method. 着重论述了模糊评判法所用的指标体系、理论基础、系统模型、系统的结构和功能、指标权重的赋值过程以及实际应用等。
- One's love How long can persist I think I can forget Those who forget the ambiguous language But The more we would like to forget The more we can not deceive ourselves Even if you do not kn... 有些东西坚持的越久就越难以放弃. 那些东西明知道难以得到自己想达到的期望;但是也会坚持下去. 也许回让人难受吧.但是我依然为还保持着这样的东西而感到欣慰.至少我不会放弃我想要的东西. 尽管我现在能做的也许只要等...
- On the Application of Ambiguous Language in Speech 试析模糊语言在言谈中的运用
- Discussion about Ambiguous Language in Legislation 立法模糊语言初探
- The article uses ambiguous and random method on the foundation of KMV model, through introducing ambiguous and random variable, undertake blurring forecasting to probability of break a contact. 本文在KMV模型的基础上采用模糊随机法,通过引入模糊随机变量,对违约概率进行模糊预测。
- That's rather an effective use of color. 这种使用颜色的手法效果相当好。
- falsification by means of vague or ambiguous language. 用含糊的不明确的语言来歪曲事实。
- You shouldn't use such strong language. 你不应该使用这样强硬的措词。
- He likes to use flowery language. 他喜欢用华丽的辞藻。
- Employment of Ambiguous Language in Writing Official Documents 再谈公务文书的模糊语言运用
- A toll is charged for the use of the expressway. 在那条高速公路上行驶需付通行费。
- But deliberately used ambiguity can produce many rhetoric functions. 然而有意地利用歧义,却可以产生多种多样的修辞效果。
- Japanese industry is making increasing use of robots. 日本工业越来越多地使用机器人。