- urban spatial culture 城市空间文化
- This paper begins with an ontological exposition about urban culture,proceeds with antypological analysis of spatial culture and cultural inventorying of urban space,thus expounds and prop. 文章通过城市空间文化的本体述要、城市空间文化的类型学分析和城市空间的文化盘点,深入探讨并提出了保护与建构城市空间文化或文化的城市空间的具体对策和途径。
- multiacid 2R-brilliant green 多远酸2R亮绿染色
- City development is a continuous course, urban spatial structure writes down the orbits of human activities and city development in a unique way. 城市发展是一个连续的过程,城市空间结构则以其独特的方式记录着人类活动和城市发展的轨迹。
- The urban spatial expansion is the requirement and materialization of urban development, and the expansion is a space-time process . 本文以南京市为例探讨了其在80年代以来城市空间扩展及结构演化的现象和特点。
- A study on the urban spatial structure ofthe east of the city zone of Guangzhou is a furtherimplementation of the strategy of "eastward devel-opment" of the city. 对广州市东部地区的城市空间结构进行研究,是对城市“东进”战略的进一步深化。
- Inspired by Lefebvre’s ideology of “The production of space”, this paper aims to find the relationship between the spatial division of labor and the urban spatial organization. 劳动空间分工是生产空间组织所产生的社会空间格局的一种特殊形式,它表征着不同场所活动之间的新关系,社会组织的新格局。
- In response to the above phenomena, this thesis analyzes the impact ofadministrative center's move-out on urban spatial structure with Hefei city as acase study. 本文针对这一现象,结合对安徽省合肥市实际建设状况的案例研究,分析了城市行政中心外迁对城市空间结构可能产生的影响。
- The information technology is having great influence on all sides of city when it accelerates the development of city, and makes urban spatial structure change greatly. 迅速发展的信息技术在促进城市发展的同时也在影响着城市的方方面面,从整体上促使城市的空间结构发生巨大的变化。
- Analyzing the effects of information to urban spatial structure, this paper cognizes the reconstitution of urban spatial structure and the shift principle of urban basic spatial. 在分析信息化对城市空间结构影响的基础上,认知了信息化背景下城市空间结构的重构过程和城市基本功能空间的变化原理。
- Based on the platform of new scientific paradigm and making use of analogies and induction,the integrality and complexity of urban spatial structure are interpreted. 基于科学新范式平台,把城市空间结构纳入这一科学范畴,运用归纳和类比的方法,阐释了城市空间结构的整体性和复杂性,辨析了两者内在的异质同构关系。
- The reduction attribute of decision tablewith above theory and method is given and the hidden knowledge is mined in theexample of urban spatial dada decision-making table, and the minimaldecision-making regulations are consequently got. 通过运用Rough集理论和方法对城市空间数据决策表的实例进行属性及属性值进行约简,挖掘其中隐含的知识,从而得出最小决策规则。 解决了城市中空间数据表达方式中的模糊性问题。
- The research of the relationship between urban thermal distribution and NDVI will find their spatial distributing characters and reflect the change of urban spatial structure and urban entironment. 通过对城市热场与植被指数(NDVI)相关性的研究,可以揭示它们的空间分布特征,反映城市空间结构和城市生态环境的发展变化。
- The main object of studying in urban planning isurban spatial structure.There is the osculation connection between the evolvement of urban spatial structure form and the course of urban evolution. 城市空间结构是城市规划学科研究的主要对象之一,城市空间结构的演变与城市发展的过程有着十分密切的关系。
- Based on the study of characters of urbanization in Shunde,the influence of urbanization on the urban spatial structure in Shunde was analyzed,and polic. 在深入研究顺德城市化进程特征的基础上,分析其对顺德城镇空间结构的影响,并总结当地政府对此所作的政策调整。
- The evolution of the urban spatial form of Fuzhou 福州城市空间结构形态发展
- Analysis of Urban Spatial Form of Moscow 莫斯科城市空间形态解析
- the urban spatial data distribution 城市空间数据分发
- I am out of conceit with the urban life. 我对城市生活已经厌倦了。
- strategy of "141 "Urban spatial development “141”城市空间发展战略