- 正直 upstanding
- 正直的 upright
- 为人正直 fly right
- 他对正直的评价很高。 He puts a high value on integrity.
- 他是正直的化身。 He is the soul of honor.
- 他是个正直的公民。 He is an upright citizen.
- 正直的人 an upright man
- 正直做人 go straight
- 他是一个正直的法官。 He is a conscientious judge.
- 这位法官的正直是毫无疑问的。 The integrity of the judge is unquestioned.
- 做买卖(待人)正直 straightforward in one's dealings
- 正直的人就是有见识的人。 He is the wise man who is the honest man.
- 正直的公民 an upright citizen
- 我丈夫是个非常正直的人。 My husband is a man of the highest integrity.
- 正直的人不屑于阳奉阴违。 An honest man will scorn to act a double part.
- 正直的女人 a righteous woman.
- 他很正直。 He is guileless.
- 约翰跟我已经有18年了,我知道他为人正直,对什么事都毫不含糊。 John has been with me eighteen years and I know he's as straight as a die in everything.
- 这场盘问似乎叫那正直的地方法官惊慌失措了。 The interrogatory seemed to strike the honest magistrate all of a heap.
- 正直的行为 square thing