- Found inaccurate index. Updating file list... 发现有错误索引。正在更新文件列表...
- Q: Why can't I browse some people's file list? 问:为什么我不能浏览某些用户的文件目录?
- Refresh Local File List Automatic. 自动刷新文件列表,建议勾选。
- Refresh Remote File List Automatic. 自动刷新远程文。
- RESTORE LOG can now include a file list. RESTORE LOG现在可以包括文件列表。
- Returns a file list from the current directory. 返回当前目录的文件列表。
- Why can't I browse some people's file list? 问:为什么我不能浏览某些用户的文件目录?
- A good demo of the use of Drive, Directory, and File List Boxes. 对于驱动器的用法,目录和文件列表框都是一个很好的演示。
- A set of file extensions used to filter the file list. 用于筛选文件列表的一组文件扩展名。
- The default set of file extensions used to filter the file list. 用于筛选文件列表的默认的文件扩展名集合。
- Gets the description for the default file list filter provided by this editor. 获取该编辑器所提供的默认文件列表筛选器的说明。
- The filter string that can be used to filter the file list of the dialog box. 可用于筛选对话框的文件列表的筛选器字符串。
- Select the shortcut in the file list, and choose Delete from the Edit menu. 在文件列表中选择该快捷方式,然后从“编辑”菜单中选择“删除”。
- How many files would you like on your recent file list. 最近使用的文件列表中包含的文件数目。
- Gets the extensions for the file list filter that the bitmap editor will initially use to filter the file list. 获取位图编辑器最初将用来筛选文件列表的文件列表筛选器的扩展名。
- Gets the extensions for the file-list filter that this editor initially uses to filter the file list. 获取此编辑器最初用来筛选文件列表的文件列表筛选器的扩展名。
- The description for the default type of files to filter the file list for. 用于筛选文件列表的默认文件类型的说明。
- Click the Open button located at the top of the Sample Files list window. 单击位于“示例文件”列表窗口顶部的“打开”按钮。
- The file list is initially filtered by the default file name extensions for the editor. 文件列表最初是按此编辑器的默认文件扩展名筛选的。
- The specified extensions indicate the file types for the open file dialog box to filter the file list for by default. 指定的扩展名指示打开文件对话框中的文件类型,以便在默认情况下筛选文件列表。