- Test things out by issuing an update statement. 可以通过一个update语句来进行测试。
- The transmitted SQL statement is an UPDATE statement. 所传送的SQL语句是一个UPDATE语句。
- Table aliases are not accepted in the SET clause of an UPDATE statement. 在UPDATE语句的SET子句中,不接受表的别名。
- Returns true if a column was affected by an INSERT or UPDATE statement. 如果列受INSERT或UPDATE语句的影响,则返回。
- It supplies OQL with update statement, and analyses its process flow. The improved BNF for OQL is given. 为OQL语言补充了更新操作,分析了其工作过程,并给出了改进的OQL的BNF范式。
- The columns listed in the UPDATE statement are based on the field data members that have changed. UPDATE语句中列出的列基于已发生更改的字段数据成员。
- In the following example, the UPDATE statement will cause a recompile of the module. 在下面的示例中,UPDATE语句将导致模块的重新编译。
- An UPDATE statement referencing a table or view can change the data in only one base table at a time. 引用某个表或视图的UPDATE语句每次只能更改一个基表中的数据。
- The CTE result set is derived from a simple query and is referenced by UPDATE statement. CTE结果集派生自简单查询并由UPDATE语句引用。
- PRIMARY KEY columns cannot be modified through an UPDATE statement if the member tables have. 列,则PRIMARY KEY列无法通过UPDATE语句进行修改。
- Tables for a specific trigger contain rows that correspond only to the UPDATE statement that invoked the trigger. 表包含仅与调用触发器的UPDATE语句对应的行。
- The UPDATE statement specifies the row or rows you want changed and the new data. UPDATE语句指定您要更改的行和新数据。
- You do this by not including the columns in the SET clause of the UPDATE statement. 不将这些列包含在UPDATE语句的SET子句中即可达到此目的。
- Columns prefixed with table aliases are accepted in the SET clause of an UPDATE statement. UPDATE语句的SET子句接受以表的别名作为前缀的列。
- And check the boxes to generate, insert, and update statements. 然后选中生成、插入和更新语句的复选框。
- PRIMARY KEY columns cannot be modified through an UPDATE statement if the member tables have text, ntext, or image columns. 如果成员表包含text、ntext或image列,则PRIMARY KEY列无法通过UPDATE语句进行修改。
- For columns not specified in the SET clause, the inserted table contains the values as they existed before the UPDATE statement was issued. 对于在SET子句中未指定的列,插入的表包含在发出UPDATE语句前已存在的值。
- This capability is often used to include original values in the WHERE clause of an UPDATE statement to check for optimistic concurrency violations. 该功能通常用于在UPDATE语句的WHERE子句中包含初始值,以检查开放式并发冲突。
- This includes both the shared locks from the SELECT statement and the exclusive locks from the previous UPDATE statement. 这包括来自SELECT语句的共享锁和来自上一个UPDATE语句的排他锁。
- You can use the UPDATE statement, followed by the name of the table or view, to change single rows, groups of rows, or all rows in a table. 您可以使用UPDATE语句(后接表或视图的名称)更改表中的单个行、一组行或所有行。