- He has been a visiting scholar at a university in Japan. 曾到日本的大学访学。
- It's easier for American students to enter colleges or universities,on the contrary,it is difficult to enter colleges and universities in Japan. 美国学生升入大学很容易,相反,在日本进入高等学校很难。
- He is, without doubt, the greatest golfer in Japan. 毫无疑问,他是称霸日本的高尔夫球手。
- The film actors are on location in Japan. 电影演员在日本拍摄外景。
- Earthquake shocks are often felt in Japan. 在日本常常感觉到地震引起的震动。
- Osaka is the second largest city in Japan. 大阪是日本的第二大城市。
- Our programs mainly support those foreign students who plan to enter a university in Japan. 我们主要工作就是帮助留学生考入日本的大学。
- The findings are backed by a study by Kazuhiko Fukuda of Fukushima University in Japan. 日本福岛大学福田一彦博士的一项研究支持了这些发现。
- The Monell Center in Pennsylvania partnered with Kyushu University in Japan to study compounds called endocannabinoids. 科学家研究了小鼠的内源性大麻素,他们说这种化学物质会打组合拳:一拳在大脑里,增进你的食欲;
- In 2006, I obtained PhD degree in the field of cardiovascular midicine from Niigata University in Japan. 现为日本循环器学会会员、日本心功能不全学会会员、哈尔滨超声医学会委员。
- The book tells of his sister's life in Japan. 这本书谈及他妹妹在日本的生活情况。
- Hideki Shirakawa, born August 1936, is a famous chemist in the Polymer Science and Distinguished Professor of Tsukuba University in Japan. 白川英树,生于1936年8月,日本著名高分子化学家,现任:日本学士院院士、(国立)筑波大学名誉教授。
- If his father is an engineer, he'll likely choose computer science or electrical engineering," said Zhang Yin, 26, at Akita University in Japan. 如果他的父亲是一名工程师,那么这名学生就可能会选择计算机科学或者电子工程学。”
- Kobian, a "humanoid" robot, which can express seven human emotions, has been unveiled by researchers at Waseda University in Japan. 日本早稻田大学的研究人员日前研制出一款“人性”机器人,可以表达七种人类情感。
- "We have wondered why the Milky Way's black hole appears to be a slumbering giant," says team leader Tatsuya Inui of Kyoto University in Japan. 小组领头人东京大学的TatsuyaInui说:“我们一直很想知道为什么银河系的黑洞就像一个沉睡的巨人?
- "We always respect elders for both their age and experience," said Hirotake Kobayashi, a 22-year-old student at Kyushu University in Japan. 来自日本九州大学,22岁的小林裕武说:“作为我们的长辈并且拥有丰富的阅历,我们理应尊敬他们。”来源:考试大的美女编辑们
- There are tens of key universities in China. 中国有几十所重点大学
- Baseball is more popular than any other sport in Japan. 在日本,棒球比其他任何运动都受人欢迎。
- Is one of the top universities in the world. 是世界顶级大学之一。
- The rot set in when we lost that important customer in Japan. 我们失去了日本的那家重要客户後,情况越来越糟了。