- Description of the allocation unit type. 分配单元类型的说明。
- Not all browsers support every unit type. 并非所有浏览器都支持每种单位类型。
- Added Unit Editor field to set unit sounds to that of another unit type. 增加了设置单位其它模式声效的单位编辑器项。
- The series products can be used with various type presses. 系列产品可配备各种型号的压机使用。
- To unit type centralairconditionerThe unit type centralair conditioneris also called household centralairconditioner. It is a miniaturized split type airconditioner. 科想单元式中央空气调节系统。
- Axis Wehrmacht and Stormtroopers no longer use the same group selection. Double-clicking on either unit type will no longer select both unit types. 国防军掷弹兵和突击兵不再属于同类单位。双击其中之一将会不会同时选取所有的掷弹兵和突击兵。
- HYL series cincture type presses filter machine has the heavy treatment ability. HYL型带式压滤机具有处理能力大,脱水效率高,使用寿命长等显著特点,广泛应用于各行业的环境治理。
- Armed with moveable type presses, Scottish plagiarists "looted" British booksellers by selling bootlegged tomes at prices 30-50 percent below the price of an original. 利用活字印刷,苏格兰剽窃者大肆“掠夺”英国书商,以低于原来价格30-50的价格大量出售盗版。
- For one of the work unit types (NO_SIM_ANNEAL_BARCODE_30) we ran 60,000 independent jobs, for a total of 600,000 structures. 比如“NO_SIM_ANNEAL_BARCODE_30”任务类型,我们运行了60,000个独立的任务,总共得到600,000个结构。
- Legions of veteran, upgraded, and brand-new unit types will do battle across the galaxy, as each faction struggles for survival. 众多原有的、升级版的和全新的单位将为了各自的生存鏖战银河。
- Brief Description the Design of Load-meter of Computer Type Press 浅谈电脑式压力机吨位计的设计
- Outside processing unit type attribute 外协处理单位类型属性
- CZY Type Press Machine Used for Railway Bearing Quenching CZY型铁路轴承淬火压床
- Single head unit type paper insulating machine 单头单位式纸包机
- The luminous intensity on unit area. 单位面积上的发光强度。
- PDU Type Protocol Data Unit Type 协议数据单元类型数据编码方案
- UTOFC Unit Type Optical Fiber Cable 单元式光缆
- small and medium dwelling unit type 中小户型
- The family is the smallest social unit. 家庭是社会最小的单位。