- It presents the unique charm of the dance among kazakh women. 画龙点睛般地突出了哈萨克族女子舞蹈特有的风韵。
- Shanxi folk songs, folk dance, folklore, crafts and so has a unique charm. 山西民歌、民谣舞蹈、民间传说、民间工艺等具有独特的魅力。
- Her novels were well-knit with exquisite and elegant writing style, constituting her unique charm. 她的小说细腻和疏淡自然地交织,构成独具的风格和魅力。
- Su Tong, one of the representatives of the vanguard of literature, is famous for his artistic creation with unique charm. 苏童作为先锋派作家的代表之一,其创作有着独特的魅力。
- The exquisite skill and unique charm infatuated thousands of people and are still spread widely today. 其精湛的技艺,别致的风韵,为人们所倾倒,当时很多诗人为之写的名篇佳作,至今仍为人们所传诵。
- Her novels were well-knit with exquisite and elegant writing style , constituting her unique charm. 她的小说细腻和疏淡自然地交织,构成独具的风格和魅力。
- Without poetic wisdom, art will become insipid and tedious and tend to lose its unique charm and values. 而缺失了诗性内涵,艺术也将趋于平淡和乏味,从而终将失去它独有的魅力和价值。
- Are the unique charms of the Blue-and-White Dance. 形成了青花舞的独特韵味。
- And a get a feel for Putian's unique charms. 感受一下莆田独特的风韵。
- Every day has plays the family to enter massively to the game in feels this new form wrestle game's unique charm. 每天都有大量玩家进入到游戏中感受这款新类型格斗游戏的独特魅力。
- The perceptual shape of the light appearing elusively in the dark, a unique charm of optic artistry. 黑夜里若隐若现的感性造型,独具光影艺术魅力。
- Good Night Paris: the perceptual shape of the light appearing elusively in the dark, a unique charm of optic artistry. 夜巴黎:黑夜里若隐若现的感性造型,独具光影艺术魅力。
- Beidaihe and the adjacent Nandai He toured the Gold Coast tourist area and a unique charm. 与北戴河毗邻的南戴河旅游度假区和黄金海岸旅游区魅力独特。
- Though numerous spectators were amazed by its unique charm, yet actually none of them could touch its innermost being. 尽管无数的观赏者惊叹于它独一无二的魔力,但是,没有人能够真正碰触它的内心。
- Today, Chong Shansi is its own unique charm, to meet the increasing number of four-party guests. 今天,崇善寺正以它自己独特的魅力,迎接着日益增多的四方客人。
- I can not wait to get a chew on the mouth, sweet in acid, acid sweet taste has a unique charm indeed. 我迫不及待地拿了一个放到嘴里咀嚼,甜中有酸,酸中带甜,味道确实有着独特的魅力。
- Shuman"s artistic song has the unique charm and the huge artistic power, the creation individuality is bright. 舒曼的艺术歌曲具有独特的魅力和巨大的艺术感染力,创造个性鲜明。
- Gillian, the quiet one, is therefore usually ignored by us. Actually, her unique charm can be demonstrated by her quiet and contemplative character. 其实阿娇本身很有自己的神采,她本身很静,故思考比较多,所以都看到她成熟的一面。
- Golf this noble campaign his unique charm, now that he has access to the people, Come and our Meimei up a match Pakistan. 高尔夫这项贵族运动有他独特的魅力,现在,他已经进入了民间,快来和我们的美眉一起来场比赛巴。