- Decreasing the gas flow rate leads to pressure undershoot. 气量突降时,膨胀波沿程传播。
- Also EMH now agrees that markets can undershoot or overshoot. 而且,有效市场假说还承认,市场调节可能不足,也可能过量。
- Bias affects the overshoot or undershoot of the motion through the keyframe. 偏见影响过头或欠该议案通过关键帧。
- This causes leaders to undershoot the mark in terms of corrective actions. 这会导致领导人解决问题时力度不够。
- Schottky diodes are incorporated in inputs and outputs to clamp undershoot (see Figure 16). 肖特基二极管一起对输入和输出负过冲进行箝位(参见图16)。
- But having overshot PPP, the dollar may well now undershoot, because American's huge current-account deficit is becoming harder to finance. 实际上由于其购买力平价已经得到了提升了,美元可能已经被大大的低估了,因为美国已经开始难以承担数额巨大的经常帐户赤字。
- The parallel termination can effectively suppress overshoot and undershoot that makes the signal swing less and the system noise tolerance larger. 戴维南并行端接可以有效地抑制过冲和欠冲,使得信号的摆幅缩小,增强了系统的噪声容限。
- The SDRs limit the current, thereby reducing signal undershoot and overshoot noise. SDR电阻限制电流,因此减少信号负过冲和超限噪声。
- AXJ's growth will likely slow meaningfully, possibly even undershoot our own forecasts. AXJ的增长有可能有针对性的减缓,甚至有可能超出我们的预测。
- "Lock the cage was opened, all the oil exploration companies have begun to Checkpoint to undershoot. “笼子的锁开了,所有的石油勘探商们开始直往下冲。”
- Based on thesereasons, both overshoot and undershoot do not appear in the case of high strain rate. 基于这些原因,都超下冲不显示的情况下高应变率。
- In the short run, however, soybean complex could undershoot those levels as speculative selling runs its course. 但是在短期内,由于投机性销售仍在继续,大豆类产品期价可能会低于应有水平。
- If we undershoot, we can always hire on the outside market to make up the difference. 如果我们的人才储备不足,我们可以通过人才外聘来弥补差额。
- As far as predicting the technological future is concerned, people almost always either overshoot or undershoot. 人们对技术未来的预测总是超前或落后。
- Inflation is very likely to undershoot official inflation targets for some time to come. 未来一段时间,通胀很有可能达不到官方设定的通胀目标。
- On the other hand, in the case of high strain rate, both overshoot and undershoot do not appear. 另一方面,在高应变率,都超下冲不会出现。
- Computer control system incepts two video signals, real-time disposes video, obtains undershoot values and relative distortion of vessel by combining two measurement results. 计算机控制系统接收两组光电自准直平行光管的视频信号,进行实时图像处理,得出动态脱靶量,并对两路图像的测量结果进行叠加得出舰艇的相对变形量。
- Undershoot Undershoot refers to the amount by which voltage or frequency drops below the nominal value as the voltage regulator or governor responds to changes in load. 下超调下超调指电压调整器或控制器在应对负荷变化时,电压或频率低于额定的量。
- Its principal functions are to obtain undershoot error, count course angle and revise course error of inertia navigation system. 通过昼夜测量恒星获取脱靶量解算航向角,修正惯性导航系统的航向差是船载经纬仪的主要功能。
- The simulation results are given to illustrate that this controller can decrease more undershoot and settling time,and the system has favorable dyna... 仿真实验结果表明,该方法不仅进一步的抑制了系统的反调,同时也缩短了过渡时间,并且具有良好的动态性能和较强的鲁棒性。