- The fishing boat was driven out to sea by stress of weather. 小渔船被狂风吹到海上去了。
- under stress of weather adv. 迫于恶劣的天气(因受暴风雨等天气的影响)
- Sheets of newly formed sea ice break into pieces under stress of wind and waves. 大块新形成的海冰在风和海浪的作用下裂成碎片。
- Bridge paving layer is directly under stress of vehicle and it must have the intension of preventing crack and antifriction. 桥面铺装层是车辆直接作用部分,要求具有一定强度,防止开裂,并保证耐磨。
- This experiment studied the activity of SOD、POD and CAT of Agropyron cristatum under stress of different thickness of PEG. 研究了不同浓度PEG胁迫下冰草SOD、POD、CAT活性变化。
- Sixteen men had landed on the island, but when at last a schooner, driven from her course by stress of weather, put in for shelter, no more than five were left. 3年前共有16个人到达荒岛,后来当一艘纵帆船由于气候恶劣而漂离航线、来到这里抛锚避风的时候,岛上却只剩下5个人。
- The relations of NR gene,ethylene and drought were studied by the changes of growth,physiology and expression of NR gene in tomato seedlings under stress of drought and ethylene. 通过干旱与乙烯介导下的番茄幼苗三重反应、植株的生理变化、幼苗生长表现及NR基因表达的研究,探讨干旱对乙烯信号转导的影响。
- The Meteorologist drew a picture of weather. 气象学者画了一张天气图。
- He reverted to smoking when under stress. 他因受到压力又恢复了吸烟的习惯。
- Flax seeds were planted in germination bed with clear sand mixing with sucrose solution of-9.2bar osmotic concentration. According to germination per- centage may be appraised using capability of water to seeds under stress of water. 将亚麻种子播入渗透势为-9.;2巴蔗糖液及净沙配成的发芽床上发芽;可以反映出供试种子在水分逆境条件条件下对水分的利用能力。
- I feel sorry for anyone who has to drive in this sort of weather. 我很同情在这种天气还得开车的人。
- He did so under the stress of necessity. 他受情势所需的压迫而这样做。
- This kind of weather often brings on influenza. 这种天气常常会引起流行性感冒。
- be flexible under stress of physical force. 在体力作用下变松了。
- I am simply fed up with this kind of weather. 我简直对这种天气烦透了。
- This kind of weather is apt to occur in late May. 这种天气往往在五月底出现。
- Because of weather, the plane delayed. 由于天气的缘故,飞机晚点了。
- The silver was deformed under stress. 银在压力作用下变了形。
- The car will soon go to wrack and ruin standing out in all kinds of weather. 汽车暴露于外任凭风吹雨打日晒,很快就会报废的。
- This kind of weather often brings on hay fever. 这种天气常常引起花粉热。