- We acted under the authority of the UN. 我们是经联合国授权行动的。
- A person such as a minor who have a right under the authority of a guardian. 如一个未成年人的权利,他的权利受监护人的管辖。
- To seize and hold under the authority of law. 逮捕依法抓捕并拘留
- The university was chartered under the authority of the Ministry of Science. 这所大学是科技部特许设立的。
- CMC Markets opens New Zealand office in Auckland under the authority of the New Zealand Securities Commission. 2006年,CMC Markets新西兰公司在奥克兰成立,并接受新西兰证券委员会监管;
- Everyone is under the authority of the Divine Mother, Mahamaya, the Primal Energy. 每个人都在神圣母亲,摩诃摩耶,原初能量的权威之下。
- The same privilege is applicable to the statistics personnel dispatched under the authorization of the BAS unit. 受主计机关之命稽核各机关统计工作之统计人员,查阅各该政府机关之档案、表册亦同。
- She was pinned under the wreckage of the car. 撞毁的汽车把她压在下面动弹不得。
- A person such as a minorwho have a right under the authority of a guardian. 如一个未成年人的权利,他的权利受监护人的管辖。
- Most of the iceberg is under the water. 冰山的大部分在水面以下。
- Wives, be under the authority of your husbands, as is right in the Lord. 你们作妻子的、当顺服自己的丈夫、这在主里面是相宜的。
- It was done under the pressure of the necessity. 这件事是在迫切需要的情况下而做的。
- One of the dice has rolled under the table. 有一粒骰子滚到桌子下面去了。
- Medical supplies are flied in under the aegis of the red cross. 在红十字会的保护下,正在空运进医药用品。
- Operational control is in the hands of the United Nations, since UN peacekeeping functions under the authority of the Security Council. 维和行动的控制权在联合国,因为联合国维和行动是在安全理事会的权威之下运作的。
- Both kingdoms are under the authority of Christ, but are administered in diverse ways. 两个国度都处在基督的权柄之下,但是却按着不同的方法来管理。
- The deed is executed under the hand and seal of the owner. 这契约是由所有权人签名盖章的。
- If you do not know the title of the book,you can look under the author's name. 如果您不知道书名,您可以在作者名下找。
- Operational control is in the hands of the United Nations,since UN peacekeeping functions under the authority of the Security Council. 维和行动的控制权在联合国,因为联合国维和行动是在安全理事会的权威之下运作的。
- If you don't know the title of the book,you can look under the author's name. 如果您不知道书名,您可以在作者名下找。