- Did your speech get across to the audience? 你的演说听众都懂了吗?
- Turn to the left and you will find the post. 向左转,你会找到邮局的。
- You do not need any weapons for it as the audience turn to the one who can sing better.Take the microphone and troll like during a karaoke competition. 因此,如果你在这里问关于软件的问题,而不是反馈问题,那么您在这里的提问将得不到回答,敬请谅解。
- Only if presented in this way can your idea get over to the audience. 只有用这样的方式提出来,你的意思才能使听从明白。
- Follow the main road until it branches, and then turn to the right. 顺着这条大路走,在路的分岔口向右拐。
- She bawled her senseless ditties to the audience. 她声嘶力竭对听众唱出她那无意义的小曲。
- She sang a French song to the audience. 她给观众唱了支法国歌。
- He has got his meaning across to the audience. 他把自己的意思给听众讲清楚了。
- He suited his speech to the audience. 他使自己的演说适合听众的口味。
- The road turns to the left after the church. 这条路在经过教堂之後向左转弯。
- The ballerina bobbed a curtsy (to the audience) before leaving the stage. 那个芭蕾舞女演员在下台之前(向观众)行屈膝礼。
- Turn to the left after passing the barber's. 过了理发店向左拐。
- I had to turn to the dictionary for help. 我只得求助于字典了。
- He gave a graceful bow to the audience. 他优雅地向观众鞠了一躬。
- Turn to the right after pass the department store. 过了百货公司便向右拐。
- The debate was thrown open to the audience. 辩论会对听众开放。
- Go to the end of the street and turn to the right. 走到街的尽头然后向右拐。
- The debate will be thrown open to the audience. 这次辩论将允许观众参加。
- They turn to the religious quarter for consolation. 他们转向宗教那里去寻安慰。
- They tried to suit the play to the audience. 他们设法使那部戏迎合观众。