- With the increasing need of diversification and individuation, more and more enterprises turn their steps to multi-kind and small batch production. 顾客对产品的需求日益多样化和个性化,致使越来越多的企业开始转向了多品种、小批量生产。
- They retraced their steps to where they started. 他们顺原路又折回到他们出发的地点。
- They timed their steps to the drumbeat. 他们合着击鼓声跳舞。
- Four express delivery magnates turn their steps to channel competition in China 四大快递巨头在华转入渠道战
- The marchers timed their steps to the drumbeat . 列队行进的人按着鼓点调整他们的步伐。
- turn their steps to vt. 转身走去(转而)
- The girls had to hasten their steps to keep pace with his. 女孩子们得加快步子才能赶得上他。
- China and Beijing will quicker their steps to the world. 中国和北京将加快它们走向世界的步伐。
- Yeah, I also think China and Beijing will quicker their steps to the world. 我还认为中国和北京将会加快它们走向世界的步伐。
- Quickening their steps to get clear of all the roar and riot, they at length passed through the town. 为了逃避喧嚣和嘈杂声,他们加快了脚步,最后走出了那个城镇。
- Some of them were on crutches and how proud were the girls who solicitously slowed their steps to their escorts' hopping pace! 他们有的拄着拐杖,像单足跳行似地跟在姑娘们后面,这使得姑娘们引为自豪,并十分注意地放慢脚步,以适应这些陪护人的步调。
- He spent the day pondering the steps to be taken. 他整天在思路该采取的步骤。
- We should take steps to prevent war. 我们应当采取措施制止战争。
- We've taken steps to minimize the losses. 我们已采取措施尽量减少损失。
- The state-owned commercial banks accelerate their steps to the market, so the banking trade union must reorientate and adopt various ways to support the reform, improve the development of productive forces, serve the mesa and defend their rights. 摘要在国有商业银行市场化步伐加快的新形势下,金融工会组织必须围绕工作目标和工作重点搞好新定位,采取多种手段,强化维权功能,塑造出支持改革、推动生产力发展、积极维权、扎根群众的新形象。
- Tom has to take long steps to keep pace with his father. 汤姆必须迈大步才能跟上他的父亲。
- They will turn their backs upon him. 他们会厌弃他。
- Firemen turned their hoses on the flames. 消防队员将水管对准火苗。
- Some turned their anger and frustration to me. 有些人向我发泄他们的恼怒和怨恨。
- Turn their pram into a Space Rocket! Smart Babies! 他们将婴儿车改装成火箭,直奔太空!