- We took it turn and turn about to sit up and rock the baby. 我们轮流熬夜摇婴儿入睡。
- Still the Indian Summer help on, and he continued to crawl and faint, turn and turn about; and ever the sick wolf coughed and wheezed at his heels. 宜人的气候还在持续,他不断爬前、晕倒、爬前、晕倒,如此周而反复;而那头狼则始终在他脚后跟处咳嗽、喘气。
- Still the indian summer held on, and he continued to crawl and faint ,turn and turn about; and ever the sick wolf coughed and wheezed at his heels. 幸好深秋的天气依然晴朗,他继续爬,一次又一次地晕死过去,可是醒来他又继续地往前爬,不停地回头张望着;而那头病狼也在不停地咳嗽着,发出艰难的喘息声,可依然紧紧尾随其后。
- Still the Indian Summer held on, and he continued to crawl and faint, turn and turn about; and ever the sick wolf coughed and wheezed at his heels. 天气依然晴好,他继续爬着,有时突然就昏厥过去,就这样反反复复;而那只病狼还是寸步不离,不断地咳嗽着。
- He continued to crawl and faint, turn and turn about; 他继续爬着,然后晕倒,再爬,再晕倒,交替进行。
- Still the Indian Summer held on, and he continued to crawl and faint, turn and turn about; 幸亏天气仍然继续放晴,他于是继续爬行,继续晕倒,辗转不停地爬;
- turn and turn about vi. 轮流(时而 ... 时而 ... )
- Time is like a wheel, turning and turning, never stoping. 时间像个轮子,转啊转啊,永不停息。
- 1.to supersede; to replace; 2.to alternate with (or between); to take place by turns; to do sth. turn and turn about; to trade off 交替
- Daniel Webster twisted and turned and thumped his fist on the table. 丹尼尔·韦伯斯特辗转腾挪,使出了浑身解数,还用拳头使劲儿捶桌子。
- Let's take leave of the topic and turn to another. 这个问题就说到这里吧,现在来谈谈另一个话题。
- All of a sudden he turned about and saw me. 他突然转过身来,看见了我。
- They twist and turn and make fancy movements with their white-gloved hands. 他们扭腰、转身,并用戴看白手套的双手做出各种花式的动作。
- The car turned about limberly and sped away. 车子灵活地转动方向,然後快速开走。
- Go up to the fork and turn left. 走到岔口处向左拐。
- She go forward a few yards, checked and turn back. 她向前走了几码,突然停住脚步又返回来。
- Turn about and walk away slowly. 转过身慢慢地走开
- The bus had to back up and turn around. 汽车得往后退,再倒过来。
- Go down this street and turn left at the first turning and then you can see it. 顺着这条街走,在第一个转弯处左转,然后你就看见了。
- Young is your life, your path long, and you drink the love we bring you at one draught and turn and run away from us. 你的生命正是青青,你的道路也长着呢,你一口气饮尽了我们带给你的爱,便回身离开我们跑了。