- (=thymol turbidity) 麝香草酚浊度 thym.turb.
- 这张相片不清晰。 This photograph lacks definition.
- 必须先处理照相底片才能冲印出相片。 One has to process a photographic film to print pictures from it.
- 相片显影过度 to overdevelop a photograph
- 相片太多,相册塞得满满的。 There were so many photos that the album was bursting at the seams.
- (警察局里的)案犯相片陈列室 the rogues' gallery
- 相片簿 a photo(graph) album
- 摄影的或相片的,或与之有关的,或由摄影或相片组成的 of,relating to,or consisting of photography or a photograph
- 戴维那张相片照得很像. That photo is a good likeness of David.
- 位相片 phase plate
- 案犯相片陈列 a rogues' gallery(= a collection of pictures of criminals)
- 数码相片 digital photo
- 这张相片有损他的形象。 This photograph is a libel on him.
- 相片调绘 Photo Annotation
- 离向摄影相片 divergent photograph
- 透明度可在测光台上算出,而且相片经证明也是有价值的。 transparencies can be worked out on a light table, but prints prove to be of value also
- 溴素纸; 相片纸 bromide paper
- 这相片太大,一次没法发出。 This photo is too large to transmit at one time.
- 铁版照相直接在用感光底片上了光的铁盘上制成的相片正像。 A positive photographmade directly on an iron plate varnished with a thin sensitized film.