- Turbidite hosted gold deposits in southeast Guizhou: Their structural control, mineralization characteristics, and some genetic constrains 贵州东南部浊积岩中金矿的地质特征和成因
- Keywords Wutai mountain area;BIF hosted gold deposit;mineralization fluid;fluid inclusion;metamorphic hydrothermal solution;magmatic hydrothermal solution; 铁建造金矿;成矿流体;流体包裹体;变质热液;岩浆热液;五台山地区;
- The Lannigou gold deposit is hosted in a turbidite sequence of Middle Triaesic Bianyang Formation and has the largest reserves among disseminated gold deposits found in Southtvest Guizhou. 黔西南中三叠统浸染型的烂泥沟金矿具有储量大、原生矿发育的特征。
- Laerma gold deposit is a uraniferous gold deposit. 拉尔玛金矿床是一个含铀金矿。
- Manaoke gold deposit situated in Northwestern Sichuan is hosted in mid Triassic detrital and carbonate rocks. 川西北的马脑壳金矿床为一赋存于三叠系碎屑岩、碳酸盐岩系的大型微细浸染型金矿床。
- The host granite and the gold deposit are not directly, but are indirectly associated. 花岗岩与金矿的关系不是直接的,而是间接的。
- Daheishan gold deposit is a fractured alteration type and quartz vein type gold deposit, hosted in the outer contact zone of Damiao granite. 大黑山金矿是赋存于大庙花岗岩体外接触带的破碎蚀变岩型和石英脉型金矿。已发现矿脉8条,以27号脉为主要矿脉。
- The Anjiayingzi gold deposit is a middle size deposit occurring in North China plateform,hosted by porphyritic granite with Yenshenian age. 安家营子金矿床是华北地台内的一个中型矿床,产在燕山期的斑状花岗岩之中。
- Hademengou gold deposit in the western portion of the northen margin of the North China Craton, is hosted by the metamorphic rocks of the Wulashan Group with New Archaean age. 哈达门沟金矿床位于华北地台北缘西段,产于新太古代乌拉山岩群变质岩系中。
- The Qiuling sediments-hosted disseminated gold deposit in Zhenan, Shanxi is hosted in Nanyangshan Formation and Yuanjiagou Formation of Upper Paleozoic. 丘岭微细浸染型金矿床产于上古生界南羊山组及袁家沟组地层中。
- The gold telluride deposit is an important type of gold deposit. 金-碲化物型矿床是一种重要的金矿类型。
- The Bayan Bold gold deposit is of porphyry-type related to adakite. 矿床类型属于与埃达克岩有关的斑岩型金矿床。
- Chaoshan gold deposit is directly related to augite diorite. 朝山金矿床与白芒山辉石闪长岩有直接的成因联系。
- The occurrence of gold in a gossan type gold deposit was studied. 红土型金矿床、铁帽型金矿床同属风化淋滤成因的残坡积表生金矿床。
- The Haigou gold deposit belongs to u ranium-gold deposit relat... 成矿水为岩浆水和大气降水的混合,成矿热源为燕山期花岗闪长岩。
- Ajialongwa deposit is an epithermal fine-disseminated gold deposit. 阿加隆洼金矿矿床为浅成低温微细浸染型金矿。
- The listed examples of gold deposits in the province indicate that the Ordovician turbidite is great potential in this area for further gold exploration. 本文以省内浊积岩分布区金矿为实例,说明该地区将成为奥陶纪浊积岩金矿床的找矿远景区。
- These valleys contain gold deposits. 这些山谷里有金矿。
- Qiyugou gold deposit is located inYanshanian hydrothermal breccia-related pipe. 祁雨沟金矿床产于燕山期热液角砾岩筒内。