- turbaned Sikhs 包着头巾的锡克教徒
- An Indian Sikh wears a 425m-long turban in Amritsar, India. 印度阿穆瑞沙市;一名印度锡克教徒穿戴著四百二十五公尺长的图班头巾.
- James looks strange with a turban around his head. 詹姆斯头上裹着穆斯林的头巾,看上去很陌生。
- a turbaned Sikh 包着头巾的锡克教徒.
- As in New York City,Indian taxi drivers are normally Sikhs, who wear a large turban . 我有一个叫法兰克.;安山的朋友为了参加在新德里的语言学会议;从机场搭乘计程车。
- I might add that he is an Indian, a Sikh. 或许我应补充一点:他是印度人,是个锡克教教徒。
- She was assassinated by Sikh extremists. 她被一个印度教狂热分子暗杀。
- I untied the turban from the bird's foot. 于是便把头巾从大鹏鸟的脚上解了下来。
- The town has a sizeable Sikh population. 城里有为数众多的锡克教教徒。
- Jameslooks strange with a turban around his head. 詹姆斯头上裹着穆斯林的头巾,看上去很陌生。
- I feel kinship with my Sikh brothers and sisters. 我感受到与锡克教的弟兄姊妹情同手足;
- Women sometimes wore the turban also. 女性有时候也戴上了头巾。
- My head was wrapped in a turban of bandages. 我的头部被包裹在头巾的绷带。
- The Sikh grasped the wheel and shook his head. 那位锡克教徒紧握方向盘然后摇了摇头。
- The Sikh driver shook his beard doubtfully. 这位锡克教徒司机怀疑地甩了甩它的胡子。
- Women turban, fond of wearing jewelry. 妇女包头巾,喜戴装饰品。
- Which turban dress computer is good? ? 包头哪装电脑好??
- Sikh soldiers guard Queen Elizabeth II. 英国:锡克士兵护卫伊丽莎白二世。
- Wander through awned streets. Turbaned faces going by. 一张张缠了穆斯林头巾的脸走了过去。
- Sikh boys and girls are initiated into the Khalsa at puberty. 锡克教的男孩和女孩都在青春期启迪进入卡尔萨。