- The same applies to a trunked radio system. 集群无线系统也是如此。
- A new computer-aided Trunked Radio System has been put into service since September. 新的电脑化集束无线电系统于九月投入服务。
- What Are the Primary Advantages of Trunked Radio Systems? 集群无线电对讲机系统的最大优势是什么?
- Motorola offers a variety of trunked solutions, offering the industry's most comprehensive trunked radio systems. 摩托罗拉提供了一大批集群解决方案,以及业内最综合性的集群无线电对讲机系统。
- For the applications of grouping communications, the dispatch systems, also known as the trunked radio systems, are applied to provide the one-to-many two-way half-duplex services. 摘要在群组通讯的应用中,调度派遣系统,也就是集群式无线电系统,可以提供一对多双向的半双工服务。
- terrestrial trunked radio system 地面集群无线电系统
- 8.A new computer-aided Trunked Radio System has been put into service since September. 警队引进的电子燃油管理系统,是政府首项采用的电脑化加油设备。
- 1.A comprehensive trunked radio system designed to exceed even the most rigorous requirements, Motorola's SMARTNET has unparalleled potential. 1、 作为一个可以满足最苛刻要求的综合性集群无线电对讲机系统,摩托罗拉SMARTNET具有卓尔不凡的潜质。
- Plant Trunked UHF Radio Systems. 装置超高频无线电系统。进厂控制系统。
- trunked radio system 集群调度系统
- Siemens is proud to present the secure digital radio communication system TETRA (Terrestrial Trunked Radio). 西门子隆重推出安全的数字无线通信系统:TETRA数字集群通信系统.
- Marine VHF and microwave Line of Site Radio System. 现场无线电系统海洋VHF和微波线路。
- Hence, trunked radio enables both channel efficiency and privacy. 因此可以说,集群无线电对讲机可以同时实现信道的高效利用以及通话的私密性。
- The Police Driving School was provided with a dedicated radio system. 警察驾驶学校亦已装设专用的无线电系统。
- trunk radio system 集群无线电系统
- A programme to provide a secure radio system for the Witness Protection Unit and the VIP Protection Unit was completed. 为保护证人组及要员保护组安装一套安全通讯系统的计划已经完成。
- An organization created to represent the interests of the U.S. commercial trunked radio industry, which generally is known as SMR (Switched Mobile Radio). 该组织代表美国贸易中继无线电行业的利益,通常称为SMR(可交换的移动无线电)。
- It is reported that the radio system of the plane malfunctioned in the accident. 据报导,这架飞机的无线电通讯设备是在事故中失灵的。
- I communicate to my support crew via a ChatterBox motorcycle two-way radio system. 本人沟通,我支持船员通过长舌摩托车双向无线电系统。
- The radio system supports automatic switchover to the stand-by controller if the active one goes off-line. 万一正在使用的控制器离线,无线电系统则可自动启用备用控制器。