- I take off his mask you see the true face? 你想看我摘下面具真实的脸吗?
- More and more mask instead of the true face. 越来越多的假面具取代了真实的面孔。
- It has once again revealed its true face before the whole world. 它再次在全世界面前暴露了真面目。
- He showed his true face as soon as he got the power in his hand. 他掌权以后立刻露出了本来面目。
- Be seen the true face of the taboo, however Organize. 被人看见真实面貌可是组织的大忌。
- The true face of the natural order of bed and sleep off the Lui Fong. 真面目自然令同床共寝的吕方却步。
- Before seeing the Waterfall’s true face, we heard its rumbling sound first. 以前看见瀑布的真实面目,我们听到它的隆隆声。
- The true face of Lushan is lost to my sight, for it is right in this mountain that I reside. 不识庐山真面目, 只缘身在此山中。
- The content in Shakyamuni Buddha's forty-nine years of teaching describes the true face of life and the universe. 释迦四十九年所说的一切经,内容就是说明宇宙人生的真相。
- This is your true heart talking and it is your true face, but no many Chinese agre with you. 当然是大多数中国人的想法,因为台湾的人民不想做中国人了!!!
- Though pretended as their teacher to guide their study in class,and I retrieved my true face after class. 上课的时候,难免要装出一副老师的面孔骗一骗孩子们;一到下课,便现出真面目来了。
- Let our rich culture walk to the outside world, cultivate a healthy national spirit, and let the world see and understand the true face of china. 二是全面展示中华民族悠久灿烂的文化,培育和弘扬民族精神,让世界更好地了解、感悟和体验中国;
- Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Qin Gang is urging the international communite to see the true face of the secessionist clique of DaLai lama. 中国外交不发言人秦刚呼吁国际社会认清达赖分裂分子集团的真实面目。
- The gathering of 350 legionaries in Singapore showed the true face of the Universal Catholic Church and the manifestation of the love and Glory of God. 350名圣母军团员集聚在新加坡,展现了普世天主教会的真面目,也显示了天主的光荣。
- The clouds around the Lushan Mountain quietly come and slowly go, making the mountain's appearance so changeable that one seldom sees its true face. 庐山的云海悄然而至、缓缓而去,它常常变换庐山形状,使人难见其真面目。
- It is a fact of life and you must face it. 这是严酷的现实,你必须面对它。
- He tried to put a bold face on his failure. 他对自己的失败装出一副满不在乎的样子。
- Here thank the people who deluded me before and let me know your true face .then I never still thank you after hurted and sold! 谢谢曾经迷惑过我的小人们,今天我终于看清了你们的真面目以后不会被你卖了还帮你数钞票,被你伤害了还一直感激你!
- Forced diagram true face going to deoxidation left wing film literature and left wing literature and art in macroscopic view. 力图在宏观上还原左翼电影文学以及左翼文艺的真实面貌。
- One's true face cannot be revealed without a long time, because time is the fairest judge for all.A love is worth treasuring only if it stands the test of time. 日久才能见人心,时间是最公正的审判官,经得起时间考验的爱才是值得珍视的爱。