- So how does this related to translucency? 因此如何与半透明?
- Leaves are another good example of thin translucency. 另一个例子是叶薄半透明。
- Color - use this color swatch to set the translucency color. 色彩-设置半透明物质的颜色。
- It is also a very effective way of revealing translucency. 这也是一种显示半透明性的非常有效的方式。
- Here's with no translucency (the white dot is the location of the light). 这里的无半透明(白色斑点是根据所在地)。
- Well, Translucency is one of those phenomenon that goes a bit beyond your everyday Lambertian diffuse. 那么,这些现象是半透明多少超越你天天朗伯漫。
- Another trick I've used now and again is using self illumination to fake translucency on flat objects. 我用另一种手法是利用自身墨绿色半透明照度为假冒单位物体。
- It also supports fog, color density, translucency, fluorescence, and other special effects. 它也支持雾、颜色密度、半透明度、荧光以及其他特效。
- Perfectly cooked fish should flake easily and be opaque with just the faintest amount of translucency in the middle. 做得很完美的鱼肉应该可以轻易分离成薄片,不应透光,即使是鱼肉内部也不应出现丁点的半透明状。
- Material:green jade; Original Place:XinJiang. It is with fine texture,translucency and delicated carving. 材质:碧玉;产地:新疆。双童子拜观音。此产品质地华美。由北京玉器厂精雕。
- The ruby ring set with 18K gold and with diamond. It is of pink color,fine texture,translucency and delicated carving. 18K金托,宝石周围配小钻16粒,宝石呈粉色,整体通透无暇,刻面精细。
- The pastes properties of banana starch such as translucency, retrogradation, and freeze-thaw were studied. 结果表明:香蕉淀粉糊透光率低、冻融性差、凝沉好。
- This opacity value can be used to represent two different effects: translucency and anti-aliasing. 这个不透明值可以用来表现两个不同的效果:半透明和抗锯齿。
- The cat's eye stone with 14K white-gold, which is fine texture,translucency and color. 14K白色黄金托,嵌钻石七颗;宝石底色通透,光线明亮。
- It is based on the transport equation of energy for a ray to traverse through a translucency material. 因此,对数据场进行交互的可选择的可视化操作是非常重要的。
- I also use bits of the Translucency patch in this config (though I only present it as an alternative). 虽然它被称为不稳定的版本,但基本的功能是稳定的,而且我会在操作中注意所有严重的错误。
- Material:white jade; Original Place:XinJiang. The product is with fine texture,translucency and delicated carving. 材质:白玉;产地:新疆。此产品质地高雅,透彻,雕琢精细,是上等精品。
- It can clean skin deeply, clear up cuticle, dredge pores, make skin more activate and give back skin moist and translucency. 可深层净化肌肤,软化并去除老化角质,通畅毛孔,加强肌肤吸收能力,活化肌肤,还肌肤透明感。
- The basket is carved with the best jadeite. It is the best ideal art. It is with fine texture, translucency and delicated carving. It reflects the scenery of four seasons. 此产品质地华美,透彻晶莹,价值连城,是雕琢高级艺术品最理想的原料,作品造型丰满,枝繁叶茂,利用翡翠的天然颜色,雕刻出四季长青、姹紫嫣红的景色。此产品由北京玉器厂特级美术大师肖培兰制作。
- Another feature of this kind of light is that it reveals transparency, translucency and any fine detail or texture along rim-lit edges. 这种光的另一个特征是它沿着边点燃的边缘显示透明度,半透明性和任何好的细节或者质地。