- A Novel Algorithm for Adaptive Translation Unit Construction 一种新的自适应翻译单元构造算法
- translation unit construction 翻译单元构造
- New access-rights model for protect read- only translation unit via user group password. 新的访问权限模型用于经由用户组口令保护只读翻译单元。
- Standardised unit construction and guest bedroom. 标准化的单元建设和客房格局以及设施。
- New access - rights model for protect read - only translation unit via user group password. 新的访问权限模型用于经由用户组口令保护只读翻译单元。
- This is a combination of the commands Select translation and Open previous translation unit. 这个命令是选择译文和打开上一个翻译单元两个命令的组合.
- This is a combination of the commands Select translation and Open next translation unit. 这个命令是选择译文和打开下一个翻译单元两个命令的组合.
- The DMMU consists of address translation unit (ATU) and double data rate (DDR) memory controller. 分散式记忆体管理单元包含位址转换单元和双倍资料率记忆体控制器。
- No translation unit shall contain more than one definition of any variable, function, class type, enumeration type or template. 翻译单元中只能有任何变量,函数,类类型,枚举类型或模板的唯一定义。
- The function, which instantiates the templated object in question is factored out such, that its definition is visible to only one translation unit. 问题在于,对模板对象进行实例化的函数,其定义仅在一个编译单元中可见。
- Considerations on capacity expansion revamping and large-scale atmospheric and vacuum distillation unit are expounded in the light of frame, pipe rack and the unit construction. 从框架、管架以及装置施工几方面,对扩能改造和大型常减压蒸馏装置的平面布置需考虑的问题,谈了几点看法。
- Secondly, the property management regulations have not yet been delivered to the property buyer for the property, pay the property management unit construction costs. 第二,物业管理条例规定,已竣工尚未交付给物业买受人的物业,由建设单位交纳物业管理费。
- In my party on the history of my army, maintain a communist advanced sex, with paradigmatic action stimulative unit construction has glorious and firm inheritance sex. 在我党我军的历史上,保持共产党员先进性,以模范行动促进部队建设具有光荣而稳固的传承性。
- In analog computer, an arithmetic unit constructed by a servo system. 在模拟计算机中,一种由伺服系统构成的运算部件。
- Based on the theory of "functional sentence perspective" and of translation as a thinking process, this essay suggests that theme/rheme be used as a translation unit. 根据主/述位切分和翻译思维的特点,本文提出有时可以主/述位理论为基础来考虑翻译的单位。
- In the Pre-Games period and at Games time, the translation unit will provide or facilitate translation services to all of the OCOG's al areas and to the Olympic Family. 在赛前或比赛期间,笔译部门应为组委会职能部门和奥林匹克大家庭成员提供翻译服务。
- According to the least square method, known unit construction prices of pipelines are fitted with nonlinear function or power polynomials of diameters of pipelines, and calculated results are more improved as against those of former method. 用电算按最小二乘法用非线性函数或管径幂的多项式拟合单位长度管线已知造价;提高了计算结果与已知值的总体符合程度.
- Translation units are important because they have no dependencies on other files. 翻译单元因独立于其他文件而重要。
- To take text as translation unit and to establish the teacher-student interaction model in class is a relatively reasonable orientation in translation teaching for the English majors. 以篇章为翻译单位、以师生互动为主要课堂模式,是对英语专业本科生翻译教学的相对合理的定位。
- China National Scientific Data Sharing Program (SDSP) launched at 2002.It makes large progress through 9 experiment units' construction in nearest 3 years. 科学数据共享工程自2002年启动以来,先后对多个部门和行业进行了试点建设,取得了良好的开端。