- To be tranquil and satisfied? 澹泊自甘
- So aromatic and tranquil and honorable! 如此芳香华贵!
- Tranquil and tender is the night. 夜是静寂的,柔和的。
- Tranquil and still, the day dawns. 平和而又宁静,天亮了。
- Marshes, bustling Tuijin, tranquil and Cantabile. 沧海桑田,繁华褪尽,恬淡如歌。
- Sid chuckled in a very contented and satisfied way. 希德笑了,心满意足地笑了。
- Contentedly QC and satisfied delivery time. 从原料到生产至包装皆为一线生产。
- To be tranquil and satisfied 澹泊自甘
- How can I keep the stable, tranquil and peaceful heart? 那我哪里还能保有沉稳,安宁,祥和之心呢?
- Pi Xiu is a fiscal diet, and satisfied food fortune Quartet. 貔貅是以财为食的,纳食四方之财。
- "Music and dance of the peaceful and prosperous times are tranquil and happy. 太平盛世的乐音安谧祥和,、
- New Asia campus is tranquil and spacious and NA students are down-to-earth. 新亚校园宁静宽广,新亚学生都很朴实。
- Her piano style is soulful, heartfelt, emotional, tranquil and spirited. 她的音乐风格富于感情,真挚动人,远离忧虑喧嚣,生机勃勃。
- She keeps good house and always makes her guests feel content and satisfied? 她待客特别周到,总以让客人在她家玩的很开心
- They asked, and He brought quail, And satisfied them with the bread of heaven. 诗105:40他们一求、就使鹌鹑飞来、用天上的粮食、他们饱足。
- The fourth precept is to refrain from stealing, being tranquil and detached. 四诫偷盗莫贪小,知足守份没烦恼。
- Our goal is to meet and satisfy your needs. “关注您的需求,满足您的需求”,是我们的目标!
- Use honey as a tranquilizer and sedative. 蜂蜜有着镇静安神的功效。
- Our products are durable and satisfying. 我们的产品经久耐用而且令人满意。
- I am so enjoy and satisfy during these days. 这样的日子让我感到新奇和满足。