- training of singing skills 歌唱技术训练
- Respiration is the life of singing and also the foundation of singing skills training. 摘要呼吸是歌唱的生命,也是歌唱技巧训练的基础。
- The acquirement of singing skills,the same as any other specialty, is a transformation from a consciousactivity to an unconscious one. 如同任何一项技能活动一样,歌唱技能、技巧的获得也是一个由有意识向无意识变化的过程。
- On Methods of Singing Skill Training 浅谈歌唱技巧训练的方法
- The technique of colorature contains multifarious basic factors of singing, and it is one of the keys to improve singing skill that to master the singing of colorature part. 花腔的演唱技巧涵盖了多种演唱基本要素。掌握女声花腔部分的演唱是提高演唱技巧的关键之一。
- Hei Nan, one of the event's judges, told the Guangzhou Daily that Li was" the worst of the top six in terms of singing skills," but noted that she garnered the most audience votes. 超女评委黑楠在接受《广州日报》采访时说:“她是六强中唱功最差的”,但是请注意,她依然赢得了最多的观众选票。
- Vocal music teaching is not only the training of singing abil ity, imagination, the state of mind, the singing psychology are also important t o the students who want to learn the vocal music well. 声乐教学中不仅是歌唱能力的培养,想象能力、精神状态、歌唱心理往往对学生学好声乐也是至关重要的。
- The noise interrupted my train of thought. 喧闹声打断了我的思路。
- What an unlucky train of events! 多么不幸的一连串事件!
- His telephone call interrupted my train of thought. 他的电话打断了我的思路。
- The pop star was followed by a train of admirers. 那位流行歌曲歌星周围蜂拥著许多歌迷。
- One of the pleasures of singing is to harmonize with the other voices. 唱歌的乐趣之一就是和其他唱歌的人保持和谐一致。
- His style of singing is rather unique. 他的唱法颇为特殊。
- Personnel is/are organizing the training of the new members of staff. 人事部门正在组织新雇员的培训。
- Abilities of singing songs of each unit. 能清楚唱出每一单元歌曲。
- On the Function of "Pivot Point" in the Training of Singing 谈声音"支点"在歌唱训练中的重要作用
- It is essential for a singer to have good basic singing skills. 作为一个歌唱演员,练好底功是很关键的。
- The telephone rang and interrupted my train of thought. 电话铃响了,打断了我的思路。
- I am fifteen and I am fond of singing. 我十五岁,我喜欢唱歌。
- Mr Mei Lanfang's singing skill is matchless in the world. 梅兰芳先生的唱功无与伦比。