- He's been a trade union activist for many years. 他多年来一直是工会的积极分子。
- They fanned factionalism and provoked armed clashes among workers in factories,mines and other enterprises,incited them to stop work and opposed or even brutally persecuted revolutionary cadres,model workers and trade union activists. 他们在工人中煽动派性,煽动武斗,煽动停工停产,反对各厂矿企业的革命干部、劳动模范和工会积极分子,并加以野蛮的迫害和摧残。
- He has never belonged to a trade union. 他从未加入过工会。
- Our trade union paid my train fare. 我的车费由工会支付。
- The trade union has agreed the company's pay offer. 工会同意了公司的付酬条件。
- The employers and the trade union leaders are still poles apart. 雇主与工会领袖的意见仍然相去甚远。
- The party sent its fraternal greetings to the trade union meeting. 党向工会大会致以亲切的问候。
- This magazine is the official organ of the trade union. 这份杂志是工会的机关刊物。
- Do you belong to the trade union? 你是工会会员吗?
- The Trade Union Movement works to obtain higher wages and better conditions. 工会运动旨在争取更高的工资和更好的工作条件。
- She was admitted as a member of the trade union. 她被接纳为工会会员。
- Trouble is brewing in the trade unions. 工会正酝酿著闹事。
- A member of a labor or trade union. 工会会员工会或贸易联盟的成员
- The staff is all member of a trade union. 全体职工都是工会员。
- The staffs are all members of a trade union. 全体职工都是工会员。
- The trade unions have thrown down the gauntlet. 工会已经提出挑战。
- We shall initiate direct talk with the trade union. 我们应开始和贸易工会直接谈判。
- He was placed in charge of trade union work. 他被分配担任工会工作。
- How many people have registered in the Trade Union? 多少人登记加入了工会?
- In the film, the Brando character took on corrupt union bosses - echoing Mr Prescott's own struggles as a young left-wing union activist with the leadership of the National Union of Seamen. 普雷斯科特认为,这个角色与自己的奋斗历程非常相像。生于1938年的普雷斯科特17岁就随商船出海,在海上度过了13年的岁月。1968年,普雷斯科特成为英国海员协会的官员。